Release Notes: February 13, 2017
Budget Goals on Flights via API: Our beta Budget Goals feature now supports revenue budgets on flights as well as on ads. You can set them via the management API today, and this feature will be available in our UIs very soon. If you're interested in beta testing budget goals, please contact [email protected] .
Robustness Improvements: We put in several changes this week that makes our services handle sudden rises or falls of ad traffic a bit better, handle removal of ads a bit faster, and handle a few internal error cases without failure.
Bug Fixes
Header Bidding Revenue Misreporting: The revenue from our eCPM override feature for header bidding was not displaying properly on some reports.
Logo Updates: In a fun fix, we found some ancient, old blue Adzerk logos in the UI and replaced them with our modern orange logo. Viva la orange!
On the Tech Blog...
- Alan Dipert has posted two, count 'em, two stories to our technical blog in the past week.
- Faster Meta-Development with Boot gives some great reasons to use Boot, an open source Clojure build tool supported by Adzerk.
- Three Reasons to Submit a Presentation to Clojure/West explains why as a Clojure developer you might be interested in presenting (or attending) one of our favorite tech conferences!