Release Notes: June 17, 2024

Updates to Forecast, Ad Server Management, Decision, and Reporting APIs and UI, including new features like Forecast Inventory planner, creating Product Ads and Campaign in a single request, and Site Custom Relevancy for optimizing demand allocation.

Release Notes: May 10, 2024

Forecast Flight performance from the Ad Server UI + new Forecast API parameters; create product ads with overrides via API; create video assets via API; plus Decision API updates...

Release Notes: April 19, 2024

Ad Server: UI refresh, Catalog ingestion status details, new Report Runs API, Ad GroupBy in Reporting, and additional optimizations...

Release Notes: March 15, 2024

Ad Server UI: view recently generated reports (Report Runs), Campaign Peer Approvals, and Duplicate Flights across Advertisers.
Forecast API: Improved availability response times, new New bookedBy parameter, and case-insensitivity in the API.

Release Notes: February 23, 2024

Forecast API

Release Notes: February 2, 2024

Forecast API

Release Notes: January 11, 2024

  • Campaign Management: Bulk edit Ad frequency capping settings, setup RTB Ads and Advertisers with any OpenRTB setting, edit Creative Templates associated with up to 100k Ads in Studio
  • Forecast: Added support for Revenue, Daily Revenue and Monthly Revenue goals; Flat, CPC, and CPM rate types; revenue/budget caps at the campaign and flight level

Release Notes: December 8, 2023

  • Added: Define custom validation rules on Creative Template fields [Management API + UI]
  • Added: OptimizedPrice included in the response pricing data [Decision API]

Release Notes: November 24, 2023

  • Added: Create Campaign V2 [Management API]

Release Notes: November 10, 2023

  • Added: Revenue Caps information added to the Flight editor page [Management UI]
  • Bug Fix: Correctly added rejection if no bids received on ad that is RTB. [Decision API]