Release Notes: January 16, 2017


  • Better Internal Monitoring & Robustness Improvements: We're constantly striving to be more resilient to traffic changes, external system outages, and just plain bad luck. We've added lots more internal monitoring and alarms this week so we'll know if something looks like it might go wrong before it goes wrong. This week's focus was on our data shipping, UserDB, and RTB processes.

  • Relevancy Score Documentation: Our newest beta feature now has its documentation up and ready for you to read on ideas of how to improve your users' experience of your ads and messages. If you're interested in beta testing relevancy score with us, please contact [email protected] .

  • Totally New & Improved Documentation Okay, I know, I know... I might have mentioned this last week, but I just can't help it... I'm totally in love with our new API and user guide documentation! They're a lot easier to read, browse, and search for that tasty tidbit of Adzerk knowledge you need, whatever it may be. Enjoy!