Release Notes: April 2023

Set pricing at the Ad level, multiple Reporting improvements, add external metadata to Ads, a new Ads table, updates to the Audience product, and configuration APIs for Relay...

Kevel Core Updates

The following updates were made to the Kevel core product.

Hourly graph fix when reporting outside of GMT

A update was made to fix an issue that was causing problems when reporting outside of GMT.

Grouping of Flights

When grouping by flights in custom reporting, start/end dates include correct hours.

Management API and Management UI Updates

The Management API and UI have been updated to enable Internal systems migration by improving errors and latency.

Scheduled Reports

Weekly grouping has been added to scheduled reports.

Ad Level Pricing

You may now set prices or "bids" on individual Ads. Previously, pricing, the amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click, could only be set at the Flight level. This meant that all Ads in a Flight had the same price. Now prices can be set at the Ad level.

UI users will find this setting under the Delivery Settings panel when creating and editing Ads. API users can set this via the Price attribute when creating and updating Ads. When set, this value will take precedence over the Flight's price value for that particular Ad. If unset (default behavior), the Flight's price is used. Note that only the price can be set at the Ad level currently—the rate type (CPM, CPC, etc) is still set on the Flight only.

Kevel Ad Updates

External Metadata Updates

You may now add external metadata to an ad.

Ad organization & Management

Kevel's Core UI users can now access a significantly enhanced Ads table. Key features include:

  • Sort and filter the table by any column (all data is loaded to the client and filtering happens in the browser)
  • Pin, hide columns with preferences persisted

Kevel Audience Updates

The following updates and changes were made to Kevel Audience.

  • Support for phone ID type
  • Support atom feeds
  • Event predictions
  • Usage reports
  • Improved integration with Kevel UserDB

For more detailed information on Kevel Audience changes, please refer to the Kevel Audience Changelog.

Kevel Relay

Relay APIs

The Relay Configuration APIs and Reporting API are now available for you to use.

This update includes:

  • Configuration APIs: These are the “management APIs” of Relay which allow customers to store configuration directly in Relay’s system and make dynamic changes. Here’s a link to our quick start tutorial that illustrates how the configuration API can be used.
  • Reporting API: You can now leverage Relay’s reporting APIs to measure programmatic performance across a wide range of metrics.