Release Notes: August 17, 2020

This is a quick note to share some product updates from Adzerk.

Creative Template Description text in the UI

Folks who have set up Creative Templates for their business know that the Adzerk API lets you set a description for each field.

Now, that description will show up in the Adzerk UI alongside the field name. You can use this to provide guidance and context to colleagues using your Creative Templates.


Faster, more reliable management API endpoints

We’re rebuilding Adzerk’s Management API endpoints bit by bit to make them faster and more reliable. For the following LIST endpoints, many customers will start to see dramatically reduced error rates and improved speed in general:

In some circumstances, Adzerk customers with a large number of listed objects may see up to 100x faster speed. Huzzah!

Note that if a flight contains ads, the List Flights for Campaign ID will now only return the first 200 ads in the flight. To list all ads in the flight, you can always use the List Ads for Flight endpoint.

Mobile SDKs support regional domain names

Previously our iOS and Android mobile SDKs routed all traffic through the Adzerk service region in Virginia, US. This upgrade now enables routing to the same preferred region as your web traffic.

Bug fixes

  • Long creative names and creative click URLs used to run outside the “Edit Ad” popup window. This is no longer the case – longer text now wraps to fit in that popup creative modal.
  • For folks using the new day parting features, day checkboxes no longer wander down to a new line when they have plenty of space to all be on the same line.
  • Previously, if you deleted a site with one or more zones via API, the List Zones endpoint would still include those zones. Now, the API treats zones within a deleted site as deleted, and won’t list them.
  • Customers using GeoDistance Targeting noticed that geometries on deleted flights, campaigns, or advertisers were clogging up their network-level geometry limits. This is no longer the case! Geometries associated with deleted objects now don’t contribute to network geometry limits.