Release Notes: December 12th, 2016


Ruby Gem Reporting API Updated: If using our Ruby gem to access the Adzerk API, it was possible to access a deprecated reporting endpoint without realizing it. The old endpoint was introducing errors and occasional instability to our management APIs. We changed the old endpoint to simply return the equivalent of an "I'm deprecated so don't use me" error, and we've updated our Ruby gem to never use that endpoint. We recommend updating the gem in your own applications.

Impression Proxying Article: If you're interested in "white-labeling" your impression URLs to avoid potential ad blocking, we have an article for you -- Proxying Impressions Through Your Own Server.

Bug Fixes

Missing Event Data in Data Shipping: Some folks were missing their custom event data in the daily data shipping logs. Clicks and impressions were coming through for everyone, but the custom events (including conversions) were missing for some accounts.

Scheduled Reporting Page Broken: A UI release we shipped last week broke the scheduled reporting page for a short time. We noticed it right away, however, and made to sure to fix it lickety-split!


  • improved: Ruby Gem Reporting API Updated
  • added: Impression Proxying Article
  • fixed: Missing Event Data in Data Shipping
  • fixed: Scheduled Reporting Page Broken
  • added: