Release Notes: February 12, 2018

Reporting UI 2.0 in Public Beta!

Our big news this week is that our much-sought-after new reporting UI is now available for all customers in UI 2.0! Please kick the tires and give us feedback! All the reporting features you're enjoying in our UI 1.0 are now available in UI 2.0, only slicker and faster!

It's a ground-up rewrite, a much cleaner look & feel, and unlocks several future features we've been wanting to build for a long while! We have been in private beta testing for a while now, but it's now available for all Adzerk users!

Figure 1: Sample Report


Figure 2: Creating A Report


Figure 3: Scheduling a Report


If you have any questions or find any issues in our new reporting UI, please contact [email protected] !

UI 2.0 is the Future and the Future is Now!

If you're new to our Adzerk UI 2.0, you can click on the UI 2.0 is now available link at the top of every page in UI 1.0. That link will take you to the UI 2.0 login page for your organization. Or you can surf directly to: (Feel free to bookmark this page!)

You can log in with your normal username and password and do your work in UI 2.0. All changes made here are live and active in your account just like UI 1.0. It's much, much faster, and we're adding more creature comforts and features here every week!