Release Notes: February 19, 2018


  • Reporting 2.0 UI: Scheduled Reports: You can now schedule a report using the faster, streamlined UI 2.0 reporting tool.

  • Reporting 2.0 UI: List of Scheduled Reports: You can now also see and edit the list of scheduled reports for your organization from UI 2.0.

  • Reporting 2.0 UI: Month to Date & Quarter to Date Reports: You can now run and schedule month-to-date and quarter-to-date reports in UI 2.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Reporting 2.0 UI: Off-by-a-penny Formatting: In some cases, the output of a report in UI 1.0 could be a penny smaller in UI 2.0 due to a very small rounding error. A penny rounded correctly is a penny earned!

  • Request Reporting in Scheduled Reports: For those in our request reporting private beta, the request reporting fields were not being included in scheduled reports. If you're interested in testing our request reporting feature please contact [email protected] .

  • UI 2.0: New Flight Showing All the Ads: Sometimes, when creating a new flight, some folks would see not an empty list of ads but instead the list of all ads from all flights, as if they were all in this flight. This of course was nonsense, so we removed the nonsense.

  • UI 2.0: Dropped Zone Targeting on Creative: When saving a creative that had zone-specific targeting UI 2.0 would sometimes not save the zone.situation.