Release Notes: June 26, 2017
Tracking Revenue for Custom Events: Do you have a custom event like a "swipe" or a "thumbs-up" that you'd like to monetize? Previously only clicks and conversions could have revenue associated with them. Now, however, you can pass an extra parameter on a custom event pixel to associate revenue for it just like we do on clicks and conversions. In the future we'll add the ability to set revenue on custom events via the UI, but this API lets you track revenue today! (details)
Device Type on RTB Creatives: You can now manually set an RTB device type (desktop, mobile, etc.) on RTB creatives. Setting the correct device type can often increase your CPMs.
New Report Complexity Limit: Our UI & API now refuse a report that is grouped by keyword AND grouped by either country or metro code AND is for a time period longer than 30 days. These reports sometimes fail due to the immense amount of data consulted to generate them, and they slow down the reporting queue for other folks' reports. We now require either dropping one of the groupings or reducing the duration to 30 days or less.
New UI 1.0 Display Limit: Our UI 1.0 sometimes struggles to display very large campaigns (over 500 flights) and this can slow down the UI & API for everyone. However, our UI 2.0 is much more muscular and handles big campaigns like a champ! As such, UI 1.0 now shows a warning that a campaign is too big to display if it has more than 500 flights, and you'll see a handy link to open that campaign in UI 2.0.
Report API Stronger Validation & Better Error Messages: We've optimized the internals of our reporting queuing API, and some side-effects of this are stronger validation and much better error messages when attempting to queue up an invalid report.
Ad Serving Performance Improvements: Lots of internal clean-up & tuning makes better use of memory on our ad servers. This is making them run a lot more efficiently and is reducing decision response time for many cases.
Bug Fixes
Broken Links in Scheduled Reports: For a short time our scheduled reports links would show an error page rather than actually downloading the report.
Campaign List Errors in UI 1.0: For some accounts, the campaign list on UI 1.0 developed a fault where it would show an error page randomly due to an internal error. (UI 2.0 never had this problem. Just saying!)
Documentation Updates
Native Ads API becomes Decision API: To be more intuitive to integrating developers and to highlight the fact that our "Native Ads API" is used for a lot more than just native ads (display ads, video ads, audio ads, promoted posts, promoted listings, etc.) we've relabeled it as the "Decision API" in all of our documentation. This should come as no surprise to integrating developers as the returned data has been a "decision object" since the API was created.
Encoding Bug Fix: All of our curl examples were using the "--data" parameter which usually works but in some cases might cause an encoding error depending on the payload. We've updated all of our documentation to use the "--data-urlencode" parameter which always works.
CORS Policy Documentation: For the tech-minded we've added an explanation of how Adzerk uses CORS so developers can use our decision API directly from the web browser effectively and securely. We've also added some great code examples to illustrate.
Image Macros in Creative Templates: Creative templates have a slightly different way of outputting a fully-qualified path to an image, and our docs now give you a handy explanation and example.
Metadata 1,000 Character Limit: Our creative metadata field has had a 1,000 character limit for a while and now the documentation gives you a clear heads-up about it.