Release Notes: March 12, 2018

  • Creatives with Templates via Management API: Now via the management API you can easily get and set the creative template and its field values for creatives using templates. Look for the TemplateId and TemplateValues fields on the Creative object. (read docs)

  • UI 2.0: Ad ID on Flight Page: We've added the Ad ID as well as the creative ID to the ad/creatives list on the flights page. This helps integrating developers when debugging and AdOps team members when communicating with Adzerk support.

Bug Fixes

  • UI 2.0: Disappearing Creatives: In some cases creatives would disappear from the flight page after a new creative was created.

  • UI 2.0: Campaigns Not Refreshing: In some cases, the campaign list would not update after a campaign update.

  • UI 2.0: Creative Templates Missing Description: The creative page displayed only the creative template field names but were missing the descriptions.

  • UI 2.0: Creative Templates Optional Fields: Creatives using a template whose fields were all optional would often cause an error when saving.

Update: UI 2.0 Nearing Full Release

As you've seen we've been busy fixing bugs in UI 2.0! At this point all the major bugs are zapped, and we have a few new features under wraps that will be coming out soon to make your workflow a much easier, happier endeavor.

UI 2.0 has been ready for all your day-to-day tasks for several months. New customers are onboarding into UI 2.0, and we have frozen new festure development in the old UI 1.0.

If you haven't yet, please log in to UI 2.0 today and give it a try!