Release Notes: March 13, 2017
Real-time Reporting API in Beta: For Adzerk users who use the reporting API to build user dashboards, we've added a new real-time reporting API where you can synchronously pull impression counts, conversion counts, click counts, and revenue for a specific advertiser, campaign, flight, or ad. These counts are near real-time with only a 2-5 minutes lag from when the events occur! Stay tuned for more functionality on this beta feature in the near future! (more)
Click Timestamps in Data Shipping: The click events data shipping logs now include explicit
fields and the oldCreatedOn
field is now deprecated.
Bug Fixes
Single Keyword Reports: Some customers were seeing lower-than-expected values on some single-keyword reports.
Metro Codes in Reports: Some customers were seeing higher-than-expected value when grouping by some metro codes.
UI 2.0: Switching Ad Formats: In UI 2.0, when creating a new creative, if you chose one format and then another, and then previewed the creative, the preview could sometimes break.