Release Notes: March 19, 2018


  • RTB: TAG PaymentID: Now on most of our OpenRTB partners you can optionally pass your TAG PaymentID.

  • UI 2.0: Goals on Ads Beta Feature: Our "Goals on Ads" beta feature is now fully supported in UI 2.0.

Bug Fixes

  • UI 2.0: Impression Goal Validations: Flight with impression goals require an end date. However UI 2.0 was incorrectly saving them without an end date.

  • UI 2.0: Non-English Keyword-Targeting on Creative: UI 2.0 was not correctly handling keyword targeting for non-English but valid UTF-8 keywords. (So now you can target your 😎 and 💩 keywords as much as you want.)

  • Duplicated Flight Lost Creative Date Overrides: When duplicating a flight either in UI 1.0 or UI 2.0, then any date overrides on its creatives would not be copied.

Update: UI 2.0 Nearing Full Release

As you've seen we've been busy fixing bugs in UI 2.0! At this point all the major bugs are zapped, and we have a few new features under wraps that will be coming out soon to make your workflow a much easier, happier endeavor.

UI 2.0 is ready for all your day-to-day tasks. New customers are on-boarding into UI 2.0 only, and we have frozen new feature development in the UI 1.0.

So if you haven't yet please log in to UI 2.0 today and give it a try!