Release Notes: October 23, 2017


Bug Fixes

  • Site/Zone Targeting in UI 2.0: After adding site and zone targeting to a flight in UI 2.0 the targeting config was not updated on screen. It was saving properly, it just did not look like it.

  • Flight Metadata in UI 2.0: Non-JSON object metadata silently failed to save in UI 2.0. It looked like it was saving properly, but nope.

  • Pagination Display in UI 2.0: In many places in UI 2.0 you might have seen a cryptic "1 of 0" pagination message when there were zero creatives, flights, campaigns, etc.

Reporting UI 2.0 in Beta!

Our reporting UI is now in private beta in UI 2.0! It's a ground-up rewrite, a much cleaner look & feel, and unlocks several future features we've been wanting to build for a long while! We are on-boarding our first private beta testers now, but if you're interested in giving us your feedback and are good at hunting bugs, please let us know!

Figure 1: Sample Report


Figure 2: Creating a Report


Again, if you're interested in beta testing our new reporting feature in UI 2.0, please contact [email protected] !