Release Notes: July 9, 2024
9 months ago by Nico Staple
Bid modifiers, video asset metadata, and image assets in the Management API; Ad-level goal and price overrides in the Forecast API and customizable report file names.
Forecast API
- Ad-level goal override
- Ad-level price override
Ad Server
Management API
- Bid Modifiers — this new feature allows retailers and other publishers to maximize their ad revenue by facilitating premium bids for advertisers' most valued customers. The functionality allows publishers to sell sponsored listings and other placements with dynamic rates based on targeting criteria. Bid modifiers increase the efficiency of your campaign setup: instead of creating a Flight for each distinct set of targeting criteria and bid, use bid modifiers to configure multiple bids within a single Flight. Learn more on the Bid Modifiers knowledge base page.
- Video Asset Metadata — when retrieving video Assets from the Management API, additional metadata is now returned via the
attribute. Specific fields are as follows:- Height
- Width
- FileExtension
- AspectRatio
- Duration
- PlaybackId [useful for generating static and animated images from the video]
- StatusReason [message to explain errors that occurred during the upload process]
- Image Assets — in addition to video Assets, Kevel now supports the ability to upload image files (gif, jpeg, png, svg, webp). Image assets can be hosted by Kevel or customer-hosted ("external") image assets. External image assets allow you to store a reference to an image or video by providing its
to the Create Asset endpoint. See the API reference Create Asset and Upload Asset Image for more details.
Reporting API
- Report Runs The value of
property in the JSON response of ReportRuns can now be decorated with an optional customizablefilename
query string parameter. E.g.
which would result in the following Response header:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="AcmeShop.csv"; filename\*=UTF-8''AcmeShop.csv
resulting in the users browser/email client saving the file as AcmeShop.csv.
In the absence of filename query parameter, it would default to: kevel-report-5ad75fb4-5fe7-4a48-93ba-45e9588c84eb.csv