Release Notes: November 19, 2024

This release enhances marketplace advertiser functionality in Kevel Self-serve by adding merchant ID support for product data and filtering, enabling advertisers to manage catalog access more effectively. The Ad Server UI now features an Audit Log for tracking campaign management changes, alongside fixes for bulk editing workflows, and the Create Campaign v2 endpoint supports ad-level frequency caps. Additional updates include new macros for Campaign Name and Advertiser Custom Fields in the Decision Engine, and the Forecast API now allows grouping by individual user custom properties for more detailed audience insights.


Self-serve UI & Advertiser API


  • Merchant ID product data & filter support - Marketplace advertisers will now be able to see merchant IDs for products they have access to promote, and will be able to filter by those IDs. This is applicable to advertisers for marketplaces using Kevel Self-serve who grant advertiser catalog access based on merchant ID instead of or in addition to brand ID. Advertiser API users can fetch a list of merchant IDs for a given advertiser based on that advertiser's access settings, and will be able to see merchant IDs when listing products for an advertiser.

Ad Server

Campaign Management UI


  • Audit Log — Ad Server UI users now have access to Kevel's Audit Logs: records operations for all changes made to campaign management entities. The data is comprised of "operations" that record when a given entity was changed, the request body that triggered that change, and the user or application who took the action. Learn more on the Audit Log knowledge base page.


  • Flight bulk editing — we fixed an issue that caused Flights using custom fields to not be editable via the bulk edit workflow; additionally, fixed an issue that caused attribution and autobid settings to be cleared from Flights in some cases when bulk editing.

Campaign Management API


  • Ad-level frequency caps via Create Campaign V2 — When creating a campaign via Create Campaign V2, it is now possible to specify Frequency Capping rules for Ads within those Campaigns.

Decision Engine


  • Campaign Name + Advertiser Custom Fields Macros — Two new macros were added to Delivery systems: Campaign Name {{}} and Advertiser Custom Fields {{ad.flight.advertiser.customFields.*nameOfCustomField*}}. Like existing macros these can be used in creative template fields, creative content body, creative ClickUrl, and creative metadata. Visit the macros knowledge base page for more details.

Forecast API


  • Group by individual User Custom property - A new group by key $user.custom{} is now available. When using this key Forecast returns the individual metrics (impressions, clicks, etc) for each entry in the user's custom property field, which in many cases equates to Audience segments, removing the need to forecast each individual segment separately.