Release Notes: October 27, 2023

Ad Platform — Decision API

Release Notes: October 13, 2023

  • Ad Tracking URL Response Codes Updated [Management API]
  • Correctly validate that end date is after start date on Availability requests [Forecast API]

Release Notes: September 29, 2023

  • Bulk Edit Flights Enhancements
  • Fixed eCPM Partition issue
  • Decision engine security enhancements

Release Notes: September 15, 2023

  • Create Ads from CSV supports RTB Custom Fields
  • Create Ads from Products - Products associated with Ads in the Flight are updated quicker after deleting Ads
  • Fixed ROAS targeting issue
  • Performance improvement in ads going live
  • Fixed issue with relevancy score for campaigns
  • Added a 1024 upper character limit to the userkey parameter in the Decision API

Release Notes: September 1, 2023

  • Create Ads from CSV supports Creative Template Ads
  • Entity Counts Available in the Management API
  • Decision Explainer supports SkipFilters field
  • Exclude Filters in Reporting API
  • Validation message when a bad CountryCode is supplied to the Management API
  • Up-to-date bulk Ad creation status is displayed in the Management UI
  • Management API correctly prevents invalid site targeting on a Flight
  • Decision engine security enhancements

Release Notes: April 2023

Set pricing at the Ad level, multiple Reporting improvements, add external metadata to Ads, a new Ads table, updates to the Audience product, and configuration APIs for Relay...

Release Notes: September 1, 2022

Frictionless reporting


Release Notes: August 1, 2022

A faster way to create ads

Release Notes: July 1, 2022

Velocidi Acquisition

Release Notes: June 1, 2022

Introducing Kevel Relay