Delete Ad

Why Delete an Ad?

When you are managing flights and campaigns, you may find it necessary to delete an existing ad associated with a flight. Removing this ad removes the ad from the flight, and it will no longer be part of the flight and campaign.



The Delete Ad API call deletes the ad; however, please note that the creative remains at the advertiser level, allowing you to use the ad in the future.

API Syntax

When using the Delete Ad API call, it is important to understand the syntax required to make the request. Because the Kevel API is a RESTful API, there is a specific request format that must be followed to ensure the endpoint can process the request. The format is:



  • GET - the type of API request being made.
  • - the URL for the request.
  • v1 - the API version.
  • flight - the API endpoint being called.
  • FlightID - the ID of the flight.
  • creative - the creative associated with the flight.
  • AdId - The ID of the ad you would like to delete.
  • delete - The action to delete the ad from the flight.