Forecast for a new set of ads taking into account the impact of ads already running
Deliverability forecast
When you want to run a forecast for a new ad but taking into account the impact of ads already running in your network, you can execute a deliverable forecast. You have to specify a newAds
field in which you can include an array of ads:
"type": "deliverable",
"endDate": "2023-03-20",
"newAds": [
"id": 1,
"flight": {
"id": 1,
"goalType": 1,
"goalAmount": 10000,
"networkId": 12345,
"priorityId": 1,
"startDate": "2023-03-13T00:00:00",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"priority": {
"id": 1,
"order": 5,
"type": "lottery"
"siteZoneTargeting": {
"include": [
"siteId": 1234569
"keywordTargeting": {
"include": [
"customTargeting": "[\"custom_page_name\"] contains homepage"
"creative": {
"id": 1,
"adType": 1,
"queryableFields": {
"ctSize": {
"type": "String",
"value": "large"
"ctPrice": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 42
"params": {
"sampling": 3,
"groupBy": [
The result will follow a similar schema, but this time results will be indexed by the ad id (since you can supply multiple ads to forecast with):
"resultStatus": "success",
"result": {
"total": {
"1": {
"impressions": 10504,
"uniqueUsers": 3568
"grouped": [
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-19"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1496,
"uniqueUsers": 672
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-20"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1416,
"uniqueUsers": 624
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-15"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1400,
"uniqueUsers": 600
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-14"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1176,
"uniqueUsers": 632
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-17"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1736,
"uniqueUsers": 744
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-18"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1704,
"uniqueUsers": 768
"key": {
"$": "2023-03-16"
"values": {
"1": {
"impressions": 1576,
"uniqueUsers": 680
"id": "540c807c-c111-4465-9c89-85c6507d2409",
"status": "finished",
"progress": 100.0,
"desc": "Forecast is finished"
As with existing forecasts, deliverability forecasts can take several minutes to complete. We’re actively working on improving the response times.