Search Advertisers

Why Search for an Advertiser?

When you are working with campaigns and flights, you may wish to look for a specific advertiser that you want to review in order to make changes or updates. Instead of performing a GET API call and have all advertisers returned in a JSON object, you can instead search for a specific advertiser to limit the number of results returned, and in turn, return the advertiser you would like returned.

This API call returns advertiser properties via a search on the advertiser's name.



This endpoint accepts a string key/value pair as its payload instead of a JSON object.

There are several different ways you can search for an advertiser:

  • To search for an advertiser, you will need to pass in a single string with a key of advertiserName. The value should be the term you want to search for.
  • To search for a single, exact word: "advertiserName=Nike"
  • To search for multiple words, use url encoding: advertiserName=20th%20Century%20Fox
  • To search for a substring, url encode the character % as a prefix and suffix. For example, to find all advertisers with names that contain the string bank, you should search for %25bank%25.

If nothing is found, you will see items is blank, like "Items": [].

API Syntax

When using the Search Advertiser API endpoint, it is important to understand the syntax required to make the request. Because the Kevel API is a RESTful API, there is a specific request format that must be followed to ensure the endpoint can process the request. The format is:



  • GET - the type of API request being made.
  • - the URL for the request.
  • v1 - the API version.
  • advertiser - the API endpoint being called.
  • search - the key/value pair that you want to use to locate the specific advertiser.