Available forecast

Shows availability for a targeting criteria at a given priority

Availability Forecast

When we want to forecast the number of available impressions for a given targeting criteria (i.e. those that were not yet taken by running ads), we can use an availability forecast. In this type, you don't need to define a new ad, but only the targeting criteria you're interested in and the Priority level (the Priority's weight from 1-100) you want to evaluate. It calculates the number of impressions matching the targeting rules, after delivering all campaigns from priority weights equal or above the chosen Priority weight.

  "Type": "available",
  "StartDate": "2023-04-10",
  "EndDate": "2023-04-15",
  "TimeZone": "UTC",
  "Targeting": {
    "FreqCapType": 1,
    "FreqCapDuration": 0,
    "FreqCap": 0,
    "Keywords": "dodge\ntruck",
    "ActiveKeywords": [
      "potato cat"
    "GeoTargeting": [
        "CountryCode": "US",
        "Region": "NY",
        "MetroCode": "10001",
        "IsExclude": true
    "DistanceTargeting": [
        "Distance": 20,
        "Latitude": 41.40338,
        "Longitude": 2.17403,
        "StreetAddress": "1 Kevel Boulevard, Keveltown NY 27701"
    "SiteZoneTargeting": [
        "SiteId": 1234567,
        "ZoneId": 987654,
        "IsExclude": true
    "CustomTargeting": [
    "DayParting": [
        "StartTime": "string",
        "EndDate": "string",
        "WeekDays": [
    "TemplateValues": "{\"ctString\":\"A string goes here\",\"ctExternalFile\":\"http://cdn.com/ad.gif\"}"
  "Priority": 0,
  "Params": {
    "Sampling": 1,
    "Responsiveness": 1,
    "GroupBy": [

An example of the result would be "resultStatus": "success",

    "resultStatus": "success",
    "result": {
        "total": {
            "available": {
                "impressions": 200792,
                "uniqueUsers": 75464
            "booked": {
                "impressions": 0,
                "uniqueUsers": 0
        "grouped": [
                "key": {
                    "$location.city": "New York"
                "values": {
                    "available": {
                        "impressions": 200792,
                        "uniqueUsers": 75464
                    "booked": {
                        "impressions": 0,
                        "uniqueUsers": 0
    "id": "27db30f3-3ff8-4a75-b91b-6e20e0553cb2",
    "status": "finished",
    "progress": 100.0,
    "desc": "Forecast is finished"

The total amount of impressions are the sum of the available and the booked (the ones reserved for other campaigns)