Advertiser Frequency Capping


When you set up Advertiser Frequency Capping, you set the maximum number of times a given advertiser can be displayed to any particular person in a particular time period.

The advertiser frequency cap will apply to all the campaigns, flights, and ads that belong to it.

For example, if an advertiser has six campaigns with ten flights with one ad each, any of those sixty ads can count toward its frequency cap. You can also use advertiser frequency caps in conjunction with other frequency caps.


Set caps by hour, day, or minute. Max duration is 180 days, 168 hours, or 4400 minutes.

Overriding Advertiser Caps

There are several cases where the advertiser frequency cap can be overridden:

  • If the campaign, flight, or ad frequency cap is stricter than the advertiser frequency cap
  • If a campaign, flight, or ad has the setting "Don't affect the parent frequency cap" enabled
  • This allows the object to ignore the frequency caps of objects above it

Setting Up via UI

  1. Click "All Advertisers" under the Advertisers tab
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the name of the advertiser
  3. Click the "Enable Frequency Capping" checkbox
  4. Enter how many times the advertiser's ads should display, per a number of Minutes, Hours or Days
  5. Save

If you don't see this checkbox, ask your account manager to enable.

Setting Up via API

Use the below parameters in the Create Advertisers request.

The number of times that you would like the frequency cap to occur
How often the frequency cap should occur
Which unit of time you would like frequency capping to occur. Key:
1 = Hour
2 = Day


To understand frequency capping, use this formula: Display this advertiser {{FreqCap}} times per {{FreqCapDuration}} {{FreqCapType}}. For instance: Display this advertiser 3 times per 6 hours

Here's an example request for an Advertiser with frequency cap settings of 10 times per 1 day

  "FreqCap": 10,
  "FreqCapDuration": 1,
  "FreqCapType": 2

You can also update Frequency Caps with the Update Advertisers endpoint.