Standard Logs

The standard logs stored within the Data Shipping logs include:

Impression Logs

NameDescriptionSample DataType
IdThe unique Impression ID"83ea1dc7160f4
AdTypeIdThe numeric ID of an ad size. Sourced from the event shim162int
AuctionBidsThe number of non-RTB ads competing for the impression in an Auction priority. If the ad served was selected outside of an Auction priority, then this AuctionsBids value will be zero. Note that this field is absent unless there is at least one auction bid in the event shim78int
BrandIdThe numeric ID of the impression's advertiser. Sourced from the event shim554125int
BidModifierThe bid modifier that was applied (not present if no bid modifier was matched){
"match": {
"keyword": "x"
"multiplier": 2
BurnInIf 1, the impression/click/event was served when an eCPM optimized flight was in a "burn-in" period.TRUEboolean
CampaignIdThe numeric ID of the impression's campaign. Sourced from the event shim1331048int
CategoriesAn array of behavior targeting categories, set by the impression's flight. Sourced from the event shim, absent if absent in the shim[]array
ChannelIdThe numeric ID of the impression's channel. Sourced from the event shim40304int
CreativeIdThe numeric ID of the impression's creative. Sourced from the event shim16458736int
CreatedOnA time/date stamp (milliseconds since UNIX epoch) that indicates when the impression happened"/Date(1581038413783)/"int (date)
CreativePassIdThe numeric ID of the impression's ad (creative mapped to flight). Sourced from the event shim19126348int
DatacenterIf true, the event originates from a TAG known datacenter.FALSEboolean
DecisionIdThe ID of the Decision associated with the impression/click/event“7fb50ca376064d9ba
DecisionIdxDecision Index. If the Decision generates only one Selection (i.e. it does not originate from a multi-winner placement) then the DecisionIdx will always be 0. For multi-winner placements, the DecisionIdx will be the order of the Selection within the Decision (zero indexed).0int
DeliveryMode1 = Web (served by ados.js tags)
2 = Email (served by HTML tags)
3 = API (served by REST call)
4 = Static Tracking Link (served by GIF)
Device.brandNameDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.modelNameDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.osRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.osMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.osMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“10.14“string
Device.advertisedOsMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“Mac OS X“string
Device.browserDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.browserRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.browserMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.browserMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.deviceIdentifiedConfirms if the client device used has been successfully identified (not identified as 'generic')trueboolean
Device.formFactorDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“desktop”string
EcpmCalculated ECPM of the impression/click/event830.070956float
EcpmPartitioneCPM Partitions track the eCPM performance data of ads separately for different partitions of your inventory. More info here:
EventCreatedOnWhen the impression event occurred, as a UNIX timestamp1581038414099long
FrequencyCapThe type(s) of frequency capping applied to the impression. Logged as the decimal value of a hex bit flag:

FlightCapped: 0x00000001
AdCapped: 0x00000010
CampaignCapped: 0x00000100
AdvertiserCapped: 0x00001000
FlightDoesNotAffectParent: 0x00010000
AdDoesNotAffectParent: 0x00100000
CampaignDoesNotAffectParent: 0x01000000

For instance, an impression with both a flight cap and ad cap has a flag of 0x00000011, i.e. decimal 17.
GdprComputedIf true, the request has GDPR consent (from the request itself, from a UserDB record, etc.)TRUEboolean
GdprConsentRequiredIf true, the gdprConsentRequired parameter was provided on the request, indicating that the user was subject to GDPR regulation (even if they didn't use an EU IP address).FALSEboolean
GdprConsentStringThe IAB consent string provided with the request if the string was used when computing GDPR consent.““string
GdprIsEUIf true, the request originates from the EU, the UK, or Switzerland.TRUEboolean
GdprSourceWhere GDPR consent data (true or false) originates:

none - no consent
request - on the ad request
userdb - on the user record
both - both user record and request
str - from an IAB consent string + allowed vendor ID
GdprVendorIdThe vendor ID provided in the request (if available).1234int
GmvGross Merchandise Value. Sourced from the event URL if appended as a query parameter. Calculated by taking the gmv parameter on the event URL and multiplying by 1,000,000.1000000int
ImpressionCountRefers to the number of impressions registered if Event Multipliers are used. Default is 11int
ImpressionCreatedOnRecords the time this Event was created in the server, as a UNIX timestamp1581038413783long
IsNoTrackIf true, the impression was served to a Do Not Track enabled user (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsRemainderIf true, the impression was served as part of the "Remainder Percentage" in an auction priority. IsRemainder is only logged when true.FALSEboolean
IsTrackingCookieEventsIf true, the impression is tracking conversions. Sourced from the event shim (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsPublisherPayoutExemptDeprecated (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsValidUAIf true, the impression passed the bots and spiders filter (boolean)TRUEboolean
KeywordsKeyword(s) sent on the request, converted into a comma separated string. Sourced from the event shim"fpfdvrmwggl4z,j7sr2ywldd
string (comma delimited)
Location.CountryCodeAn array of location data from the request. Sourced from the ad request, NOT the event shim"AU"string
Location.CountryNameSee above"Australia"string
Location.RegionSee above"NSW"string
Location.CitySee above"Sydney"string
Location.DmaCodeSee above
Location.MetroCodeSee above
Location.PostalCodeSee above"2000"string
Location.LatitudeSee above0int
Location.LongitudeSee above0int
Matching KeywordsKeyword(s) present in the ad. Sourced from the event shim["j7sr2ywlddf6m", "hh7sr2ywlddf6"]array[string]
ModifiedPriceThe price after bid modifier was applied -- if no bid modifier was applied this will be the same as the Price"12.02"string
Meta:schemaThe type of log - will always be event"event"string
Meta:versionThe version of the log format this log object uses"1.3"string
NetworkIdThe numeric ID of the impression's network. Sourced from the event shim10322int
OptimizedPriceThe price set by a bid optimizer (eg in ROAS targeting) and is distinct from the initial price, both are logged. See
PassIdThe numeric ID of the impression's flight. Sourced from the event shim11082877int
PhantomCreativePassIdInternal - used during phantom mode for impression goal ads. Sourced from the event shim0int
PlacementNameThe name of the Placement object or <div> that served the ad. Sourced from the event shim"placement 1"string
PhantomPassIdInternal - used during phantom mode for impression goal ads. Sourced from the event shim0int
PriorityIdThe numeric ID of the impression's priority. Sourced from the event shim161492int
PriceThe price per unit (CPA, CPM, CPC etc.) associated with the impression. Returned as a string. Sourced from the event shim"6.01"string
RateTypeThe rate used by the flight. Sourced from the event shim:

1 - Flat 2 = CPM 3 = CPC 4 = CPA View 5 = CPA Click 6 = CPA Both
ReferrerUrlThe URL that led to the page that hosted the ad request. Sourced from the event shim
RevenueRevenue generated via the event(impression/click). Calculated by taking the revenue field in the event shim and multiplying by 1,000,000 (in order to support very small prices, such as $0.01 CPM).

For instance, if a flight has a Price of $50 CPM, each impression will have $0.05 of revenue associated with it. Multiplying that by 1,000,000 yields a Revenue value of 50000 on the impression record.
RemoteIPDue to GDPR regulation, this is sanitized as instead of the IP address. You can optionally log IP addresses if the request or user record IP address does not originate from a GDPR regulated area""string
RtbBidsThe number of RTB bids competing for the impression. Remember, RTB ads can be used in any priority type. Also, please note that some RTB partners provide more than one bid per request, but most only provide one. Sourced from the event shim
SiteIdThe numeric ID of the impression's site. Sourced from the event shim1086974int
TimeZoneIdThe time zone of the flight. If no time zone is explicitly set, defaults to "UTC". Sourced from the event shimstring
UrlThe URL of the page the ad served on. This may be missing if there was no referrer header on the request. Sourced from the ad requeststring
User.KeyAn array of user data (in UserDB) associated with the impression. Contains two fields: the Key, and whether or not this is a new user. Sourced from either the UserDB record or the user's azk cookie"ue1-3542a229b8be4109
User.TypeWhere user data was stored/retrieved from:

1 = Cookie 2 = UserDB
UserAgentDeprecated for privacy purposes. User agent data can now be found in the Device object““string
UserKeyThe user Key (used by UserDB) associated with the impression. Sourced from the ad request"ue1-3542a229b8be4109
ZoneIdThe numeric ID of the impression's zone (if applicable). Sourced from the event shim0int

Click Logs

The JSON objects for other events use the same format as the impression object. Additional parameters for clicks (or parameters with differences):

NameDescriptionSample DataType
IdThe unique Click ID"71f5686388df4fd99
AdTypeIdThe numeric ID of an ad size. Sourced from the event shim162int
BrandIdThe numeric ID of the impression's advertiser. Sourced from the event shim554125int
BurnInTrue if in initial/learning phase
CampaignIdThe numeric ID of the impression's campaign. Sourced from the event shim1331048int
CategoriesAn array of behavior targeting categories, set by the impression's flight. Sourced from the event shim, absent if absent in the shim[]array
ClickBucketsWhether the click was bucketed as Unique, with the schema "Unique": {"Value": true/false}. Refer to the click bucketing docs for details
ClickCountRefers to the number of clicks registered if Event Multipliers are used. Default is 1int
CreativeIdThe numeric ID of the impression's creative. Sourced from the event shim16458736int
CreatedOnA time/date stamp (milliseconds since UNIX epoch) that indicates when the impression happened"/Date(1581038413783)/"int (date)
CreativePassIdThe numeric ID of the impression's ad (creative mapped to flight). Sourced from the event shim19126348int
DatacenterIf true, the event originates from a TAG known datacenter.FALSEboolean
DecisionIdThe ID of the Decision associated with the impression/click/event“7fb50ca376064d9b
DeliveryMode1 = Web (served by ados.js tags)
2 = Email (served by HTML tags)
3 = API (served by REST call)
4 = Static Tracking Link (served by GIF)
Device.brandNameDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.modelNameDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.osRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.osMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.osMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“10.14“string
Device.advertisedOsMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.advertisedOsDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“Mac OS X“string
Device.browserDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.browserRawVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see““string
Device.browserMajorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.browserMinorVersionDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.deviceIdentifiedDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see
Device.formFactorDevice fields are from the WURFL field set, see“desktop”string
EcpmCalculated ECPM of the impression/click/event830.070956float
EcpmPartitionValue pased in during decision request. See (may be NULL)
EventCreatedOnWhen the click event occurred, as a UNIX timestamp1581038414099long
FradulentTrue if matches the IAB/TAG group for fraudulent IPs/datacenter traffic
GdprComputedIf true, the request has GDPR consent (from the request itself, from a UserDB record, etc.)TRUEboolean
GdprConsentRequiredIf true, the gdprConsentRequired parameter was provided on the request, indicating that the user was subject to GDPR regulation (even if they didn't use an EU IP address).FALSEboolean
GdprConsentStringThe IAB consent string provided with the request if the string was used when computing GDPR consent.““string
GdprIsEUIf true, the request originates from the EU, the UK, or Switzerland.TRUEboolean
GdprSourceWhere GDPR consent data (true or false) originates:

none - no consent
request - on the ad request
userdb - on the user record
both - both user record and request
str - from an IAB consent string + allowed vendor ID
GmvGross Merchandise Value. Sourced from the event URL if appended as a query parameter. Calculated by taking the gmv parameter on the event URL and multiplying by 1,000,000.1000000int
ImpressionCountRefers to the number of impressions registered if Event Multipliers are used. Default is 1.1
ImpressionCreatedOnRecords the time this Event was created in the server, as a UNIX timestamp1581038413783long
ImpressionIdThe Impression ID"83ea1dc7160f4
IsNoTrackIf true, the impression was served to a Do Not Track enabled user (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsPublisherPayoutExemptDeprecated (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsRemainderIf true, the impression was served as part of the "Remainder Percentage" in an auction priority. IsRemainder is only logged when true.FALSEboolean
IsTrackingCookieEventsIf true, the impression is tracking conversions. Sourced from the event shim (boolean)FALSEboolean
IsValidUAIf true, the impression passed the bots and spiders filter. Sourced from the click request (boolean)TRUEboolean
KeywordsKeyword(s) sent on the request, converted into a comma separated string. Sourced from the event shim"fpfdvrmwggl4z,j7sr2y
string (comma delimited)
Location.CountryCodeAn array of location data from the request. Sourced from the click request, NOT the ad request"AU"string
Location.CountryNamesee above"Australia"string
Location.Regionsee above"NSW"string
Location.Citysee above"Sydney"string
Location.DmaCodesee above
Location.MetroCodesee above
Location.PostalCodesee above"2000"string
Location.Latitudesee above0int
Location.Longitudesee above0int
Matching KeywordsKeyword(s) present in the ad. Sourced from the event shim["j7sr2ywlddf6m",
Meta:schemaThe type of log - will always be event"event"string
Meta:versionThe version of the log format this log object uses0string
NetworkIdThe numeric ID of the impression's network. Sourced from the event shim10322int
PassIdThe numeric ID of the impression's flight. Sourced from the event shim11082877int
PlacementNameThe name of the Placement object or
that served the ad. Sourced from the event shim
"placement 1"string
PriorityIdThe numeric ID of the impression's priority. Sourced from the event shim161492int
PriceThe price per unit (CPA, CPM, CPC etc.) associated with the impression. Returned as a string. Sourced from the event shim"6.01"string
RateTypeThe rate used by the flight. Sourced from the event shim:

1 = Flat, 2 = CPM, 3 = CPC, 4 = CPA View, 5 = CPA Click, 6 = CPA Both
RemoteIPThis is sanitized as instead of the IP address""string
RevenueRevenue generated via the impression. Calculated by taking the revenue field in the event shim and multiplying by 1,000,0000int
ServedByKevel internal
ServedByAsgKevel internal
ServedByPidKevel internal
SiteIdThe numeric ID of the impression's site. Sourced from the event shim1086974int
UrlThe URL of the page the ad served on. This may be missing if there was no referrer header on the request. Sourced from the click request
UserAn array of user data (in UserDB) associated with the impression. Contains two fields: the Key, and whether or not this is a new user. Sourced from the click request
UserAgentThe string of the user agent that created the impression. Sourced from the click request““string
UserKeyThe user Key (used by UserDB) associated with the impression. Sourced from the click request"ue1-3542a229b8be4109
ZoneIdThe numeric ID of the impression's zone (if applicable). Sourced from the event shim0int

Conversion Logs

The JSON objects for other events use the same format as the impression object. Additional parameters for conversions (or parameters with differences):

CreatedOn(Deprecated) When the impression associated with the conversion occurred, as a UNIX timestamp
EventCreatedOnWhen the conversion occurred, as a UNIX timestamp
ImpressionCreatedOnRecords the time this Event was created in the server, as a UNIX timestamp
IsValidUAIf true, the impression passed the bots and spiders filter. Sourced from the conversion request (boolean)
LocationAn array of location data from the request. Sourced from the conversion request, NOT the ad request
RemoteIPThis is sanitized as instead of the IP address
UrlThe URL of the page the ad served on. This may be missing if there was no referrer header on the request. Sourced from the conversion request
UserAn array of user data (in UserDB) associated with the impression. Contains two fields: the Key, and whether or not this is a new user. Sourced from the conversion request
UserAgentThe string of the user agent that created the impression. Sourced from the conversion request
UserKeyThe user Key (used by UserDB) associated with the impression. Sourced from the conversion request

Custom Event Logs

The JSON objects for other events use the same format as the impression object. They have the same additional parameters as conversions, with two notable differences:


Custom event logs have an additional EventId field that is the ID of the custom event type. (For example, an EventId of 10 is an Upvote event.)

The logs also contain a CustomEventCount field that refers to the number of Custom Events registered if Event Multipliers are used. Default is 1.

For "EventId": 3 generated from the purchase event endpoint the following parameters will be present

AttributedPurchaseMetadata.UserKeyThe array of user keys supplied with the purchase event.
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.TimestampThe timestamp supplied via the purchase event.
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.QuantityThe quantity of items in this transaction (line item of an order)
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.PriceThe product price of the line item.
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.TransactionIdThe transaction identifier
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.ProductIdThe product identifier, used to lookup product meta data in the Kevel Catalog
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.LtvQuantityThe expected additional quantity of items sold to this customer.
AttributedPurchaseMetadata.LtvValueThe expected additional sales value sold to this customer.