Kevel Sub-Processors
Kevel's sub-processors are listed below. We will only pass to them the minimum data needed for the services to work.
Sub-Processor is defined as a 3rd party contracted by Kevel as the Processor to process personal data to assist Kevel in fulfilling its obligations with respect to providing services under the Agreement or DPA between the Customer, as the Controller, and Kevel. Personal Data is defined by the EU GDPR as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
Version Five
Effective Date 11-22-2022
Changes: Adding further details on companies listed as subprocessors.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)
US (US-East-1 and US-West-2)
Germany (EU-Central-1)
Ireland (EU-West-1)
South Korea (Ap-Northeast-2)
Singapore (Ap-Southeast-1)
Australia (Ap-Southeast-2)
Mumbai (Ap-South-1)
Other regions chosen by Customer for Audience services
AWS is a cloud service provider. Kevel uses AWS to host our applications and services. Personal Data of the customer, its customers’ customers, and the individual being served the advertisement (end user) is processed by AWS and may be stored in AWS.
A Serious Business, Inc. (
United States is a tool used by Kevel to assist with the organization and prioritization of customer support communications in Slack Connect channels. Personal Data from the customer’s end users may be processed if the customer provides such data in their customer support communications with Kevel.
United States
ChurnZero is a customer success platform that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses ChurnZero to provide customer support-type services to our customers. Personal Data from the customer’s end users may be processed if the customer provides such data in their customer support communications with Kevel.
Datadog, Inc.
United States
Datadog is a third-party logging platform used by the Kevel ad platform for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, detecting, and alerting on unexpected application behavior and providing latency and other analytics to the customer. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, if a customer enters Personal Data of end users in areas of the ad platform other than UserDB, such as entering Personal Data as keywords, Personal Data may be processed.
Hubspot, Inc.
United States
Hubspot is marketing, sales, and service software that Kevel uses as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses Hubspot’s service software to provide customer support to our customers and their customers. Personal Data from the customer’s end users may be processed if the customer provides such data in their support ticket or customer support communications with Kevel.
Mux, Inc.
United States
Mux Video provides Kevel with an API for video hosting, encoding, and streaming services for the processing of media content (audio and video files) for customers using Kevel Video Asset functionality to serve video ads. Mux collects access log data of media playback requests for utilization, performance, and security validation. This may include the content of the uploaded video to the extent that these contain personal data, IP addresses, user-agent, and low-resolution geolocation data inferred from IP addresses. Mux is only a subprocessor for customers purchasing the Video Asset functionality.
Papertrail, SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC
United States
Papertrail is a third-party logging platform used by the Kevel ad platform for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting and alerting on unexpected application behavior. Although Kevel’s ad platform is set up not to log Personal Data, if a customer enters Personal Data of its end users in areas of the ad platform other than UserDB, such as entering Personal Data as keywords, Personal Data may be processed.
Shortcut Software Company (formerly known as Clubhouse)
United States
Shortcut is a software project management and workflow tool that Kevel uses as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel handles customer support issues that have been escalated to engineering. Personal Data from the customer’s end users may be processed if the customer provides such data in their communications with engineering.
Slack Technologies, LLC
United States
Slack is a messaging application tool for business that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel sets up dedicated Slack channels to communicate with customers for customer support. Personal Data from the customer’s end users may be processed if the customer provides such data in their customer support communications.
Kevel Affiliates
Adzerk, Ltd. (UK)
Hanover House
14 Hanover Square
ShiftForward S.A. (wholly-owned subsidiary of Adzerk, Inc.)
Founders Founders,
Rua da Constitutcāo, 352
4200-192 Porto, Portugal
Employer of Record Arrangements
Kevel employs individuals via Employer of Record arrangements as detailed below. These individuals only provide services using Kevel-provided workstations and are subject to the same technical and organizational security controls as implemented and controlled by Kevel.
Employer of Record
Remote Europe Holding BV
Landmeter 25
1566MP Assendelft
The Netherlands
Version Four
Effective Date 4-11-2022
Changes: Adding ChurnZero, Kevel affiliates, and employer of record relationship.
Kevel’s Sub-processors
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)
US (US-East-1 and US-West-2),
Germany (EU-Central-1)
Ireland (EU-West-1)
South Korea (Ap-Northeast-2)
Singapore (Ap-Southeast-1)
Australia (Ap-Southeast-2)
AWS is a cloud service provider. Kevel uses AWS to host our applications and services. Personal data of the customer, its customers’ customers, and the individual being served as advertisement is processed by AWS and may be stored in AWS.
United States
ChurnZero is a customer success platform that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses ChurnZero to provide customer support-type services to our customers.
Datadog, Inc.
United States
Datadog is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting, and alerting on unexpected application behavior, and providing latency and other analytics to the customer. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
Hubspot, Inc.
United States
Hubspot is marketing, sales, and service software that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses Hubspot’s service software to provide customer support to our customers and their customers. When someone submits a support ticket, this ticket may include personal data.
Mux, Inc.
United States
Mux Video provides Kevel with an API for video hosting, encoding, and streaming services for the processing of media content (audio and video files) for customers using Kevel Video Asset functionality to serve video ads. Mux collects access log data of media playback requests for the purpose of utilization, performance, and security validation. This may include the content of the uploaded video to the extent that these contain personal data, IP addresses, user-agent, and low-resolution geolocation data inferred from IP addresses.
Papertrail, SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC
United States
Papertrail is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting and alerting on unexpected application behavior. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
Shortcut Software Company (formerly known as Clubhouse)
United States
Shortcut is a software project management and workflow tool that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel handles customer support issues that have been escalated to engineering. Personal data, such as name and email, may be processed.
Slack Technologies, LLC
United States
Slack is a messaging application tool for business that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel sets up dedicated Slack channels to communicate with customers for customer support. Set-up and use of a dedicated customer channel may require the use of personal data, such as email and name.
Kevel Affiliates
Adzerk, Ltd. (UK)
Hanover House
14 Hanover Square
Employer of Record Arrangements
Kevel employs individuals via Employer of Record arrangements as detailed below. These individuals only provide services using Kevel-provided workstations and are subject to the same technical and organizational security controls as implemented and controlled by Kevel.
Employer of Record
Remote Europe Holding BV
Landmeter 25
1566MP Assendelft
The Netherlands
Version Three
Effective Date: 1-13-2022
Changes: Adding Mux for customers contracting for use of Kevel Video Assets
Kevel’s current sub-processors are as follows:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)
US (US-East-1 and US-West-2),
Germany (EU-Central-1)
Ireland (EU-West-1)
South Korea (Ap-Northeast-2)
Singapore (Ap-Southeast-1)
Australia (Ap-Southeast-2)
AWS is a cloud service provider. Kevel uses AWS to host our applications and services. Personal data of the customer, its customers’ customers, and the individual being served as advertisement is processed by AWS and may be stored in AWS.
Datadog, Inc.
United States
Datadog is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting, and alerting on unexpected application behavior, and providing latency and other analytics to the customer. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
Hubspot, Inc.
United States
Hubspot is marketing, sales, and service software that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses Hubspot’s service software to provide customer support to our customers and their customers. When someone submits a support ticket, this ticket may include personal data.
Mux, Inc. (subprocessor for Kevel Video Assets contracted customers)
United States
Mux Video provides Kevel with an API for video hosting, encoding, and streaming services for the processing of media content (audio and video files) for customers using Kevel Video Asset functionality to serve video ads. Mux collects access log data of media playback requests for the purpose of utilization, performance, and security validation. This may include the content of the uploaded video to the extent that these contain personal data, IP addresses, user-agent, and low-resolution geolocation data inferred from IP addresses.
Papertrail, SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC
United States
Papertrail is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting and alerting on unexpected application behavior. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
Shortcut Software Company (formerly known as Clubhouse)
United States
Shortcut is a software project management and workflow tool that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel handles customer support issues that have been escalated to engineering. Personal data, such as name and email, may be processed.
Slack Technologies, LLC
United States
Slack is a messaging application tool for business that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel sets up dedicated Slack channels to communicate with customers for customer support. Set-up and use of a dedicated customer channel may require the use of personal data, such as email and name.
Version Two
Effective Date: 8-26-2021
Changes: Previous version (see below) had processors and sub-processors listed. This new version lists sub-processors only and provides further details on personal data being processed.
Sub-Processor is defined as a 3rd party contracted by Kevel as the Processor to process personal data to assist Kevel in fulfilling its obligations with respect to providing services under the Agreement or DPA between the Customer, as the Controller, and Kevel. Personal Data is defined by the EU GDPR as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
US (US-East-1 and US-West-2),
Germany (EU-Central-1)
Ireland (EU-West-1)
South Korea (Ap-Northeast-2)
Singapore (Ap-Southeast-1)
Australia (Ap-Southeast-2)
AWS is a cloud service provider. Kevel uses AWS to host our applications and services. Personal Data of the customer, its customers’ customers, and the individual being served as advertisement is processed by AWS and may be stored in AWS.
United States
Datadog is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting, and alerting on unexpected application behavior, and providing latency and other analytics to the customer. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
United States
Hubspot is marketing, sales, and service software that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel uses Hubspot’s service software to provide customer support to our customers and their customers. When someone submits a support ticket, this ticket may include Personal Data.
United States
Papertrail is a third-party logging platform that Kevel uses for ingesting, parsing, querying, and performing analytics on Service application and infrastructure logs (“Logs”). These Logs are then used for debugging, troubleshooting, auditing, reporting, and detecting and alerting on unexpected application behavior. Although Kevel’s application is set up not to log Personal Data, processing of Personal Data may occur inadvertently.
Shortcut (currently known as Clubhouse)
United States
Shortcut is a software project management and workflow tool that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel handles customer support issues that have been escalated to engineering. Personal Data, such as name and email, may be processed.
United States
Slack is a messaging application tool for business that Kevel uses both as a Controller and as a Processor. As a Processor, Kevel sets up dedicated Slack channels to communicate with customers for customer support. Set-up and use of a dedicated customer channel may require the use of Personal Data, such as email and name.
**Version One (no longer valid as of August 26, 2021)**
Backend Services
Amazon AWS - used as a hosted server
Datadog - used for analyzing API usage and ad server bandwidth
Cloudfront - Kevel's CDN - storage solution for Kevel files
Google Apps for Business - used for internal business and communication - used for monitoring API uptime
Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service
OneTrust - used to honor and track consent
Google Analytics - used for anonymous website traffic analysis
Zapier - used for automating transfer of info from different sub-processors
Hubspot - used for inbound and outbound marketing communications, as well as client support communication
Google Adwords - used for conversion tracking and retargeting
Clearbit - website de-anonymization for personalizing site content
Slack - our internal Kevel collaboration tool
Quora - we use a Quora pixel for retargeting on Quora
Linkedin - we use a LinkedIn pixel for retargeting on LinkedIn
Capterra - we use a Capterra pixel for tracking conversions driven by Capterra
Pendo - used for tracking dashboard usage
Wisepops - used for pop-up form requests
Updated about 2 years ago