Kevel Glossary

These are Kevel-specific terms related to our campaign structure and miscellaneous terminology. For general Ad Tech terms, visit here.

Active ResourcesThe number of active resources is the total number of active, non-deleted, and non-archived campaigns, advertisers, flights, ads/creative, sites, channels, and zones across an entire account.
AdvertiserThe entity who is paying to promote their brand, goods, or services
Ad CodesA block of HTML and JavaScript that makes a call to Kevel's servers and loads an ad. Generated per site from the web interface in the Inventory tab
Ad ServerThe tech that enables the storage, selection, and serving of ads
CampaignA collection of an advertiser’s ads, which is made up of one or more flights. Typically the flights in a campaign have a common theme, such as product or promotion
ChannelSite(s) with similar content that share the same publisher payout settings. Every account has a default channel named "All Sites" that consists of the entire network
ContentDBA server-side data store for storing metadata for contextual targeting
CreativeA file or code supplied by an advertiser that is served as the ad on a site. Kevel can serve image files, JavaScript, HTML tags, and raw data
Fill RateThe percentage of impression events fired compared to number of ad opportunities
FlightA collection of rules for one or more creatives that determine how an ad is served. These include impression goals, tracking methods, dates to run, and targeting
InventoryThe section of the web interface that lets you manage sites and channels and generate ad code
Keyword TargetingCampaign targeting that uses 'keywords'. You can send real-time search terms, or send keywords tied to page context
Management APIA RESTful API for uploading creatives, creating campaigns/flights, and pulling reports. Replicates the functions of the web interface (except for generating ad code)
Decision APIA RESTful API for delivering ad contents. By placing a request to the Decision API, Kevel makes an ad decision and returns a creative in JSON format. Replicates the function of the ad code in the web interface
PrioritiesA setting to determine which flights have precedence over other flights for serving
RemnantUnsold inventory that can be utilized for serving a house ad or available to programmatic demand sources for bidding on
SitesThe website(s) where ad(s) will display
StatusA progress indicator for a campaign, flight or creative
UserDBA server-side data store for user-level targeting activation
Zerkel QueriesKevel's proprietary query language used for custom targeting. Zerkel uses key/value pairs passed in on an ad request, in addition to reserved keys that act as filters (like device specific targeting)
ZonesSaved placements which represent sections of a site. When zones are set up, you can target ads to them and Kevel will track the zone's impressions