Real Time Bidding (RTB) in Kevel
In order to configure RTB inside Kevel, you will first need access to Kevel Relay and a commercial relationship with a demand partner. To get started with Kevel Relay, please reach out to your Account Executive or Customer Success contact.
How does RTB work in Kevel?
RTB in Kevel works by adding special RTB-enabled Advertisers to your account that represent programmatic demand partners. Once you create campaigns, flights, and ads under that advertiser, requests will be sent to the demand partner when those ads are considered in the ad server, based on their targeting and priority, just like other ads.
You can think of an RTB Ad as representing a request to a demand partner that gets sent once that ad becomes a candidate.
This sequence diagram shows the high-level flow for how RTB works in Kevel. Relay acts as a service for making RTB requests that the ad server calls.
How do Ads make requests to Demand Partners?
Ads make requests to Demand Partners based on RTB specific configuration parameters known as "RTB Custom Fields and/or Bidder Parameters".
RTB Custom Fields are available on the Ad as well as the Advertiser, though they are not available by default or to every Ad or Advertiser.
What Ads/Advertisers have RTB Custom Fields?
During the creation of the Advertiser in the UI you can select a single Demand Partner for which they will be associated. This Advertiser and any: Campaign, Flight or Ad created under it will be "RTB Enabled". As a result the UI will show RTB Custom Fields when you create or edit the Advertiser or any Ad that belongs to it.
What is the purpose of RTB Custom Fields?
The RTB Custom Fields are where the configuration for requests made between Kevel and the Demand Partner reside. This includes not only configuration for making a request (endpoint, timeout, etc) but also the specific configuration of the Demand Partner's system -- essential information for receiving Bid Responses.
Updated 3 months ago