Demand Partners
The following page contains all of Relay's demand partners and their configuration fields organized alphabetically. To find your specific partner quickly, use command + F to search the document.
Commonly Used Partners
Index Exchange
You must include these parameters at the bidder level.
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
siteID | Requred | String | An Index-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '9999990', '9999991', '9999992'` |
You must include these parameters at the bidder level
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
siteID | Requred | String | An Index-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '9999990', '9999991', '9999992'` |
If you are using Index’s outstream ad unit and have placed the video object at the bidder level, you must include the Index required parameters at the bidder level. You can include the optional parameters to specify the outstream ad unit configurations.
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
video.w | Requred | Integer | The width of the video player in pixels that will be passed to demand partners. You must define the size of the video player using the video.w and video.h parameters. We strongly recommend video sizes to be 256 x 256 or greater, 300 x 250, or 320 x 180. |
video.h | Required | Integer | The height of the video player in pixels that will be passed to demand partners. You must define the size of the video player using the video.w and video.h parameters. We strongly recommend video sizes to be 256 x 256 or greater, 300 x 250, or 320 x 180. |
video.playerSize | Required | Integer | The video player size that will be passed to demand partners. |
video.playerConfig | Optional | Hash | The Index-specific outstream ad unit configurations. |
video.playerConfig.floatOnScroll | Optional | Boolean | A boolean specifying whether you want to use the player’s floating capabilities, where: - true: Use the Index player’s float capabilities. Note: If you set floatOnScroll to true, Index updates the placement value to 5. Note: We do not recommend using the player’s default float capabilities if you have more than one outstream ad unit per page. -false: Do not use the Index player’s float capabilities (default). |
video.playerConfig.floatSize | Optional | Integer | The height and width of the floating player in pixels. If you do not specify a float size, the player adjusts to the aspect ratio of the player size that is defined when it is not floating. Index recommends that you review and test the float size to your user experience preference. |
video.plcmt | Required | Integer | The video’s placement type, where: - 1 = Instream - 2 = Accompanying Content - 3 = Interstitial - 4 = No Content/Standalone |
Magnite / Rubicon Project
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
accountId | required | The publisher account ID | 4934 | integer |
siteId | required | A unique ID for your site | 13945 | integer |
zoneId | required | A unique ID for your site's ad placements | 23948 | integer |
position | optional | Set the page position. Valid values are "atf" and "btf". | 'atf' | string |
userId | optional | Site-specific user ID may be reflected back in creatives for analysis. Note that userId needs to be the same for all slots. | '12345abc' | string |
floor | optional | Sets the global floor -- no bids will be made under this value. | 0.50 | float |
latLong | optional | Sets the latitude and longitude for the visitor (avail since PBJS 1.10) | [40.7608, 111.8910] | Array<float> |
inventory | optional | See below for details on First Party Data. In release 4.29 and earlier, this parameter allows the definition of an object defining arbitrary key-value pairs concerning the page for use in targeting. The values must be arrays of strings. | {"rating":["5-star"], "prodtype":["tech","mobile"]} | object |
visitor | optional | See below for details on First Party Data. In release 4.29 and earlier, this parameter allows the definition of an object defining arbitrary key-value pairs concerning the visitor for use in targeting. The values must be arrays of strings. | {"ucat":["new"], "search":["iphone"]} | object |
keywords | optional | See below for details on First Party Data. In release 4.29 and earlier, this can be used to influence reports for client-side display. To get video or server-side reporting, please use First Party data or the inventory/visitor parameters. | ["travel", "tourism"] | Array<string> |
video | required for video | Video targeting parameters. See the video section below. | {"language": "en"} | object |
pchain | optional | deprecated option that was an early alternative to schain | "GAM:11111-reseller1:22222" | string |
bidonmultiformat | optional | Beta parameter - please check with your account manager before setting this value | boolean | true |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type | |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | '32572' | string | |
adSlot | optional | Ad Slot Name (see below) | '38519891' | string | |
pmzoneid | optional | Zone ID | 'zone1,zone2' | string | |
lat | optional | Latitude | '40.712775' | string | |
lon | optional | Longitude | '-74.005973' | string | |
yob | optional | Year of Birth | '1982' | string | |
gender | optional | Gender | 'M' | string | |
kadpageurl | optional | Overrides Page URL | '' | string | |
kadfloor | optional | Bid Floor | '1.75' | string | |
currency | optional | Bid currency | 'AUD' (Value configured only in the 1st adunit will be passed on. Values if present in subsequent adunits, will be ignored.) | string | |
dctr | optional | Deal Custom Targeting (Value configured only in the 1st adunit will be passed on. Values if present in subsequent adunits, will be ignored.) | `'key1=123 | key2=345'` | string |
acat | optional | Allowed categories (List of allowed categories for a given auction to be sent in either using ortb2 config (request.ext.prebid.bidderparams.pubmatic.acat) or using slot level params. If categories sent using both then priority will be given to ortb2 over slot level params.) | [ 'IAB1-5', 'IAB1-6', 'IAB1-7' ] | array of strings | |
bcat | optional | Blocked IAB Categories (Values from all slots will be combined and only unique values will be passed. An array of strings only. Each category should be a string of a length of more than 3 characters.) | [ 'IAB1-5', 'IAB1-6', 'IAB1-7' ] | array of strings | |
deals | optional | PMP deals (Values from each slot will be passed per slot. An array of strings only. Each deal-id should be a string of a length of more than 3 characters.) | [ 'deal-id-5', 'deal-id-6', 'deal-id-7' ] | array of strings | |
outstreamAU | optional | Oustream AdUnit described in Blue BillyWig UI. This field is mandatory if mimeType is described as video and context is outstream (i.e., for outstream videos) | 'renderer_test_pubmatic' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement_id (PBS+PBJS) or placementId (PBJS) | required | The placement ID from AppNexus. You may identify a placement using the invCode and member instead of a placement ID. This parameter can be either a string or integer for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. Legacy code can retain the string value. Prebid Server requires an integer value. | 234234 | integer |
member | optional | The member ID from AppNexus. Must be used with invCode . | '12345' | string |
invCode or inv_code | optional | The inventory code from AppNexus. Must be used with member . | 'abc123' | string |
publisherId or publisher_id | optional | The publisher ID from AppNexus. It is used by the AppNexus end point to identify the publisher when placement id is not provided and invCode goes wrong. The publisherId parameter can be either a string or integer for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. | 12345 | integer |
frameworks | optional | Array of integers listing API frameworks for Banner supported by the publisher. | integer | |
user | optional | Object that specifies information about an external user. See User Object for details. | user: { age: 25, gender: 0, dnt: true} | object |
allowSmallerSizes or allow_smaller_sizes | optional | If true , ads smaller than the values in your ad unit's sizes array will be allowed to serve. Defaults to false . | true | boolean |
usePaymentRule (PBJS) or use_pmt_rule (PBS+PBJS) | optional | If true , Appnexus will return net price to Prebid.js after publisher payment rules have been applied. | true | boolean |
keywords | optional | A set of key-value pairs applied to all ad slots on the page. Mapped to buy-side segment targeting (login required). A maximum of 100 key/value pairs can be defined at the page level. Each tag can have up to 100 additional key/value pairs defined. Values can be empty. See Passing Keys Without Values below for examples. If you want to pass keywords for all adUnits, see Auction Level Keywords for an example. Note that to use keyword with the Prebid Server adapter, that feature must be enabled for your account by an AppNexus account manager. | keywords: { genre: ['rock', 'pop'] } | object |
video | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | video: { playback_method: ['auto_play_sound_off'] } | object |
app | optional | Object containing mobile app parameters. See the App Object for details. | app : { id: 'app-id'} | object |
reserve | optional | Sets a floor price for the bid that is returned. If floors have been configured in the AppNexus Console, those settings will override what is configured here unless 'Reserve Price Override' is checked. See Xandr docs | 0.90 | float |
position | optional | Identify the placement as above or below the fold. Allowed values: Unknown: unknown ; Above the fold: above ; Below the fold: below | 'above' | string |
trafficSourceCode or traffic_source_code | optional | Specifies the third-party source of this impression. | 'my_traffic_source' | string |
supplyType or supply_type | optional | Indicates the type of supply for this placement. Possible values are web , mobile_web , mobile_app | 'web' | string |
pubClick or pub_click | optional | Specifies a publisher-supplied URL for third-party click tracking. This is just a placeholder into which the publisher can insert their own click tracker. This parameter should be used for an unencoded tracker. This parameter is expected to be the last parameter in the URL. Please note that the click tracker placed in this parameter will only fire if the creative winning the auction is using AppNexus click tracking properly. | '' | string |
extInvCode or ext_inv_code | optional | Specifies predefined value passed on the query string that can be used in reporting. The value must be entered into the system before it is logged. | '10039' | string |
externalImpId or external_imp_id | optional | Specifies the unique identifier of an externally generated auction. | 'bacbab02626452b097f6030b3c89ac05' | string |
generate_ad_pod_id | optional | Signal to AppNexus to split impressions by ad pod and add unique ad pod id to each request. Specific to long form video endpoint only. Supported by Prebid Server, not Prebid JS. | true | boolean |
Full List of Partners
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | Publisher GUID from 33Across | 'examplePub123' | string |
productId | required | 33Across Product ID that the Publisher has registered for (use 'siab' for Banner or Outstream Video , 'inview' for Adhesion, 'instream' for Instream Video) | 'siab' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
cid | required | The customer id provided by Aax. | 'aax_test_customer' | string |
crid | required | The placement id provided by Aax. | 'aax_crid' | string |
video | required for video Ad units | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | video: { maxduration: 60 } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
accountid | required | Endpoint id | 'hash' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
mid | required, if inv and nmane not set | Placement ID | 12345 | integer |
inv | required, if mid not set | Inventory source ID | 1234 | integer |
mname | required, if mid not set | Placement name | "Leaderboard" | string |
adxDomain | optional, Prebid.js only | The Adform domain | "" | string |
priceType | optional | Price type | "gross" | string |
Ad Generation
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
id | required | adId | '1234' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
account | required | Adhese account name | 'demo' | string |
location | required | Adhese location name | '_adhese_prebid_demo_' | string |
format | required | Adhese format name | 'leaderboard' | string |
data | optional | Custom target data | { 'ci': [9000, 9050] } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | Ad network's RTB host | '' | string |
zoneId | required | RTB zone id | 30164 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | optional | Ad network host | '' | string |
pubId | required | Publisher Id | 102 | integer |
ADman Media
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zone | required | The unique identifier of the ad placement. Could be obtained from the Admixer UI or from your account manager. | "e5ff8e48-4bd0-4a2c-9236-55530ab8981d" | string |
kvTargeting | optional | Key/Value - a pair of the unique values that will be used for the custom targeting option. | {key1: value2, key2: value2} | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
auId | required | The ad unit ID '0000000000072345' leading zeros can be omitted. | '0000000000072345' | string |
network | optional | Used if you want to make requests to multiple networks in adnuntius. | 'adnuntius' | string |
targeting | optional | Targeting to be sent through to adnuntius with the request. | { c: ['prebids'] } | string |
maxDeals | optional | The maximum number of deal bids to include. Default 0. | 1 | Integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
slaveId | required | slave ID | 'adoceanmyaozpniqismex' | string |
masterId | required | master ID | 'tmYF.DMl7ZBq.Nqt2Bq4FutQTJfTpxCOmtNPZoQUDcL.G7' | string |
emiter | required | traffic source id | '' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adunit | required | AdUnit to bid against | 'test' | string |
client | optional | Client name | 'ads' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | The placement ID from Adot. | 'adot_placement_224521' | string |
video | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID from Adpone. | 234234 | integer |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
hash | required | Identifier for specific ad placement | 'abcdef123456' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adUnit | required | adUnit tag name | 'example_adunit_1' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zone | required | The unique identifier of the ad placement. Could be obtained from the AdsYield UI or from your account manager. | 'e5ff8e48-4bd0-4a2c-9236-55530ab8981d' | string |
host | required | Ad network's RTB host | '' | string |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | 12345 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from Adtarget platform. | 529814 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from Adtelligent. | 350975 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
site_id | required | Site ID | 1234567890 | uint64 |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement | required | '263' | string | |
pubid | required | '0cf8d6d643e13d86a5b6374148a4afac' | string | |
mimes | optional | video only | ['video/mp4', 'application/javascript'] | array of strings |
playbackmethod | optional | video only | [2,6] | array of numbers |
maxduration | optional | video only | 30 | number |
skip | optional | video only | 0 or 1 | number |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Placement ID | 'posid00001' | string |
accountId | required | Account ID | 'accountid01' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adzoneid | required | adxcg zone id | '1' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement | required | The placement ID from Adyoulike. | '194f787b85c829fb8822cdaf1ae64435' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
asi | required | ad spot hash code | '123abc' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sid | required | Sid | '30014' | string |
token | required | Token | '028bca2d3b5c4f0ba155fa34864b0c4d' | string |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '123456' | string |
appId | optional | App Id | 'asdasdasd' | string |
region | optional | Server Region | 'APAC', 'USE', 'EUC' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
token | required | The ID issued by Alkimi to the publisher | '8a80d8e9-0cf9-4329-8486-6f5bbcd8a61a' | string |
bidFloor | required | Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM. | 0 | float |
pos | optional | Specify the position of the ad as a relative measure of visibility or prominence. Allowed values: Above the fold: 1 ; Below the fold: 3 ; Middle of the fold: 7 ; | 0 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagId | required | Tag ID | 'cHJlYmlkLm9yZw' | string |
testMode | optional | Activate 100% fill ads | true | boolean |
adUnitId | optional | Ad Unit ID used in reporting. Will default to bid.adUnitCode | 'sticky_banner' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId * | required | Placement ID provided by Apacdex | 'plc100000' | string |
siteId * | required | Publisher site ID from Apacdex | 'apacdex1234' | string |
floorPrice | optional | CPM bidfloor in USD | 0.03 | float |
geo | optional | GEO data of device. See Geo Object for details. | {"lat":17.98928,"lon":99.7741712,"accuracy":20} | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
token | required | Applogy tokeb | 'aaaa' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Audience Network
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The Placement ID from Audience Network | '555555555555555\_555555555555555' | string |
format | optional | Format, one of "native", "fullwidth" or "video" | 'native' | string |
Automatad OpenRTB Bid Adapter
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement | required | A Placement ID from Avocet. | "5ebd27607781b9af3ccc3332" | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
supplyId | required | Supply UUID | '2c426f78-bb18-4a16-abf4-62c6cd0ee8de' | string |
region | optional | Cloud region | 'us-east-1' | string |
endpoint | optional | Supply custom endpoint | '' | string |
instl | optional | Set to 1 if using interstitial (default: 0) | 1 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
appId | required | Beachfront Exchange ID | '11bc5dd5-7421-4dd8-c926-40fa653bec76' | string |
bidfloor | required | Bid floor. The floor price module will take priority over this value. | 0.01 | float |
video | optional | Object with video parameters. See the video section below for details. | object | |
banner | optional | Object with banner parameters. See the banner section below for details. | object | |
player | optional | Object with outstream player parameters. See the player section below for details. | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | DC region | "api-eu" | string |
path | required | URL path, will be provided by manager | "auction/rtb/v2" | string |
seller_id | required | Your ID in Bidmachine system | "1" | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Placement ID | '12345' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | 'be224bf2-fd3f-4afb-b6fc-4a97718be2f5' | string |
placementId | optional | Placement ID | 'some_placement_id' | string |
consent | optional | User EULA consent | true | boolean |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | placement id | 'hash' | string |
accountId | required | account id | 'bizzclickTest' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagId | required | The TagID from BLIINK. | '32' | string |
imageUrl | optional | The image url on which the ad is displayed in case of in-image ad. | 'https://image.png' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId | required | Unique publisher ID | 'ABCDEF' | string |
Bright Mountain Media
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement_id | required | Placement ID will be generated on Bright Mountain Media Platform | 1 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | string |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Brave's platform placement id | 'to0QI2aPgkbBZq6vgf0oHitouZduz0qw' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisher | required | Publisher Name to use | 'pub1' | string |
Cadent Aperture MX
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagid | required | The Tag ID from Cadent Aperture MX. | test1 | string |
bidfloor | optional | The CPM bid floor | 0.25 | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Placement-Id defined by the caller | '0111f8ac-2d40-4613-8557-b47dbf622fff' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID(Zone Id) | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | 'string' |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | 'string' |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | The site ID from ConnectAd. | 12345 | integer |
networkId | required | The network ID from ConnectAd. | 10047 | integer |
bidfloor | optional | Requested Floorprice | 0.15 | number |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | The site ID from Consumable. | 12345 | integer |
networkId | required | The network ID from Consumable. | 9969 | integer |
unitId | required | The unit ID from Consumable. | 987654 | integer |
unitName | required | The unit name from Consumable. | cnsmbl-unit | string |
SSP Copper6
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from Copper6 Media. | 12412 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID from CPMStar. | 81006 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneId | required | (deprecated) The zone ID from Criteo. Should be replaced by networkId when using zone matching. | 234234 | integer |
networkId | required | The network ID from Criteo. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. | 456456 | integer |
nativeCallback | optional | (Prebid.js only) Callback to perform render in native integrations. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. | function(payload) { console.log(payload); } | function |
integrationMode | optional | (Prebid.js only) Integration mode to use for ad render (none or 'AMP'). Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. | 'AMP' | string |
publisherSubId | optional | Custom identifier for reporting. Please reach out your Criteo representative for more details. | 'adunit-1' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pageId | required | C-WIRE page id | 2453 | integer |
placementId | required | C-WIRE placement id | 113244 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sourceId | required | Website Source Id | 111 | integer |
host | optional | Network Host to request from | '' | string |
tagid | optional | Placement ID | 'leaderboard_1' | string |
vis_optout | optional | Opt out of visibility metric | true | boolean |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagId | mandatory | Ad Tag Id | '1399' | string |
height | optional | height of the creative | 350 | number |
width | optional | width of the creative | 250 | number |
custom | optional | custom key value params | '{"position":"right-box"}'' | object |
user | optional | user params according to IAB standards | '{"gender":"F"}'' | object |
pos | optional | ad position as per IAB standards | 1 | number |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
mandantId | required | Mandant ID | 5 | integer |
adslotId | optional | Adslot ID | 199 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
smartadId | required | Placement ID | 12345 | integer |
endpoint | optional | for testing only | | string |
DistrictM DMX
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
seller_id | required | The DMX Partner ID provided upon onboarding, this is for specific setup BURL, NURL or ADM support | 'seller_id' | string |
publisher_id | required | Boost MemberId from DistrictM UI | 'member1' | string |
tagid | required | Represent the placement ID from DistrictM or your own | '123abc' | string |
bidfloor | optional | The minimum price acceptable for a bid | '1.0' | string |
memberid | optional | MemberId from DistrictM UI (legacy: replaced by publisher_id) | 'member1' | string |
dmxid | optional | Placement ID from DistrictM (legacy: replaced by tagid) | '123abc' | string |
Duration Media
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | siteId is provided by your Duration Media account manager(s) | integer | |
placementId | optional | placementId is provided by your Duration Media account manager(s). This parameter allows to report on a specific ad unit | integer | |
video | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. Note that this parameter is not used in Prebid Server. See Video Object for details. | video: { playback_method: ['auto_play_sound_off'] } | object |
E-volution tech
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | 'string' |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | 'string' |
Engage BDR
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sspid | required | SSPID parameter | '11111' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
ci | required | Your partner ID (provided by E-Planning) | '18f66' | string |
sv | optional | Indicates a bidder URL different than default | '' | string |
isv | optional | Indicates a CDN URL different than default | '' | string |
t | optional | Indicates bidding for testing purposes | 1 | integer |
ml | optional | Uses placement names as ad unit names instead of sizes | 1 | integer |
sn | optional | Uses space name instead of sizes | adunitName | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
site_id | required | The site ID from Epsilon. | '87293' | string |
secure | required (for secure pages) | If impression requires secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup. 0 for non-secure, 1 for secure. Default is non-secure | 1 | integer |
bidfloor | optional | Bid floor | 0.50 | float |
tag_id | optional | Identifies specific ad placement. | 'cnvr-test-tag' | string |
white_label_url | optional | Override the destination URL the request is sent to. | '' | string |
pubcid_name | optional | Name of the pub common id. Epsilon adapter can read the id directly if the UserID module is absent. Default is _pubcid. | '_pubcid' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | RTB host | '' | string |
zoneId | required | Zone Id | 30164 | integer |
Evolution Technologies
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | Ad network's RTB host | '' | string |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | 12345 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherNameIdentifier | required | Publisher name identifier | test-publisher-name | string |
creativeType | required | Type of the creative | NativeX | NativeX|DTX |
siteId | required | ID associated with the site | 123456 | integer |
zoneIds | optional | Zones to request from bidder | [789, 123] | array[integer] |
userKey | optional | User Key to power experience optimization and frequency capping. Publishers: please confirm with legal counsel before using this feature. | 4188d8a3-22d1-49cb-8624-8838a22562bd | uuidv4 |
options | optional | Additional integration specific context | options: { "startCompact": true } | map[string]interface{} |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
--------------- | ---------- | -------------- | ----------- | ---------- |
startCompact | optional | Height of the experience will be reduced | true | boolean |
dwellExpand | optional | Auto expand the experience after a certain time passes | true | boolean |
contentCode | optional | Force show a certain experience. Generally used for testing and debugging purposes. | publisher-test | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneId | required | The zone ID for the ad. | "2003" | string |
format | optional | The format to use for displaying the ad. Can be one of the following: screen-roll intext-roll sliderad floorad expand-banner instream * inbanner Note: The screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad and floorad formats are all FreeWheel outstream formats. Default value: "instream" | "screen-roll" | string |
bidfloor | optional | Bid floor price. | 13.2118 | float |
bidfloorcur | optional | Bid floor currency. | "USD" | string |
vastUrlParams | optional | Add query parameters to the vast request. Should be a single item level JSON. Works with formats: instream, inbanner | { protocolVersion:'3.0' } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
---------- | ---------- | ------------------------- | -------- | ---------- |
soundButton | optional | If enabled, the sound will be off by default and the user will be able to turn it on/off by clicking on a button. (disabled on iOS devices) Default value: false | true | boolean |
defaultMute | optional | If "soundButton=true" is set, controls if the video will start with the sound muted. Default value: true | false | boolean |
timeline | optional | Display a progress bar to the bottom of the ad unit. Default value: false | true | boolean |
protocolVersion | optional | Specify the VAST version that will be used for the vastVersion parameter value on AdsSetup request. Default Value: 4.2 | 3 .0 | float |
onOver | optional | Allows to enable the sound only when the mouse is over the ad container. Works with formats: screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad, floorad, expand-banner Default value: false | true | boolean |
closeTimeout | optional | The duration in milliseconds before displaying the close button. Works with formats: screen-roll, intext-roll, sliderad, floorad Default value: 5000 | 2000 | integer |
animated | optional | Enable an animation on opening and on closing of the video. Works with formats: intext-roll, sliderad Default value: true | false | boolean |
animationSpeed | optional | If the animated parameter is set to true, allows to choose the animation speed in milliseconds. Works with formats: intext-roll, sliderad Default value: 700 | 500 | integer |
contentId | optional | Displays the ad inside the content-id dom element (dom id). Requires an 'auto', 'p' or 'article' param. Works with format: intext-roll | "element-id" | string |
auto | optional | If value is set to "v2", position the intext-roll automatically. If contentId is set, the auto positioning will find a position inside the 'contentId' dom element. If contentId is not set, the auto positionaing will search the best position to display the ad based on the page semantic. It will select several possible position and show the intext-roll at the time one of them is made visible. Works with format: intext-roll Default value: null | "v2" | string |
article | optional | Set the location of the ad just after the given article tag in the page (0 is for the first article tag). If content-id is set, the article index is relative to articles inside the 'content-id' dom element | "element-id" Works with format: intext-roll | string |
p | optional | Set the location of the ad just after the given paragraph tag in the page (0 is for the first p tag). If content-id is set, the p index is relative to paragraphs inside the 'content-id' dom element. Works with format: intext-roll | "element-id" | string |
iframeMode | optional | Indicate to intext-roll that it is served in a friendly hidden iframe. Can be one of the following: normal - place ad in friendly iframe dfp - place ad in iframe on dfp platform Works with format: intext-roll | "normal" | string |
inRead | optional | When true, will keep the ad slot window on the page when the ad is done. Works with format: intext-roll Default value: false | true | boolean |
lang | optional | Text language. Can be one of: [fr,en,es,it,de,nl,pt] Works with format: intext-roll Default value: "fr" | "en" | string |
openingTime | optional | The time in milliseconds to display the opening animation. Works with format: intext-roll Default value: 0 | 100 | integer |
pauseRatio | optional | Specify the viewabilityratio where the ad is paused. This can be a float between 0 and 1, or "never" which means never paused. The default value will pause when the ad has less than 50% viewability. Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner Default value: 0.5 | 0.9 | float | string |
closeAction | optional | Define what to do for the banner after all ads complete. Can be one of: collapse - will set the target css display property to "none". hide - will leave the target element in place, empty. Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner Default value: “collapse” | "hide" | string |
domId | optional | id of the dom element containing the text. If this targeted div is empty, be sure it has the needed width or a width of 0px will be used. Note that the script tag should be added in the page AFTER the targeted dom element so the target will be ready when the script runs. Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner | "element-id" | string |
errorAction | optional | Define what to do for the banner after an ad error. Can be one of: collapse - will set the target css display property to "none". hide - will leave the target element in place, empty. Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner Default value: “collapse” | "hide" | string |
stickToTop | optional | Controls if the ad will stick to the top of the browser window. Can be one of the following: true - The ad will stick to the top of the browser window upon scroll. "bottom" - The ad will stick to the top and will be hidden again when reaching the bottom of the page. * number - The ad will stick to the top for the given distance in pixels. Works with formats: intext-roll, expand-banner | 300 | boolean | string | number |
blurDisplay | optional | Allow to choose between too blur effects for the sides of the banner. Can be one of: big - will show the blured video only once in the background. duplicate - will show the blured video twice: once for each side. Works with format: expand-banner Default value: "big" | "duplicate" | string |
expandDirection | optional | Allows to force the expansion direction. Can be one of the following: before - Expand to the left if the banner is vertical and to the top if the banner is horizontal. after - Expand to the right if the banner is vertical and to the bottom if the banner is horizontal. center - Expand to left and right if the banner is vertical. Expand to the top and bottom if the banner is horizontal. auto - Expand based on the space available on the page. Expand to the left and/or right if the banner is vertical. and expand to the top and bottom if the banner is horizontal, depending on the space available. * none - Banner will not expand Works with format: expand-banner Default value: "auto" | "before" | string |
zIndex | optional | Force the z-index value on the ad container. The default value is around 4100 (see IAB guidelines). Use this parameter if it doesn't fit your needs. Works with format: expand-banner Default value: ~4100 | 1000 | integer |
hAlign | optional | Horizontal side where to display the video. Can be one of: left - horizontal align to the left of the page. middle - horizontal align to the middle of the page. * right - horizontal align to the right of the page. Works with format: sliderad Default value: "right" | "left" | string |
hSpacing | optional | Set a horizontal spacing between the hAlign side and the video. Works with format: sliderad Default value: 10 | 20 | integer |
vAlign | optional | Vertical side where to display the video. Can be one of: top - vertical align to the top of the page. middle - vertical align to the middle of the page. * bottom - vertical align to the bottom of the page. Works with format: sliderad Default value: "bottom" | "top" | string |
vSpacing | optional | Set a vertical spacing between the vAlign side and the video. Works with format: sliderad Default value: 10 | 20 | integer |
mod | optional | Ad trigger mode. Can be one of: asap - play the ad asap click - play the ad when the user clicks a link * scroll - play the ad when the user scrolls Works with format: screen-roll Default value: "asap" | "click" | string |
opacity | optional | Define the opacity of the background. This is a number between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (totally black). Works with format: screen-roll Default value: 0.4 | .5 | float |
smartPlay | optional | Enable to use autoPlay on mobile devices. Works with format: screen-roll Default value: false | true | boolean |
bannerHeight | optional | The height in pixel of the bottom banner. The video ad takes this height when its not expanded. Works with format: floorad Default value: 250 | 500 | integer |
FRVR Ad Network
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisher_id | required | Publisher ID | '11111' | string |
ad_unit_id | required | Ad Unit ID | '22222' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zone | required | The unique identifier of the ad placement. Could be obtained from the FutureAds UI or from your account manager. | "e5ff8e48-4bd0-4a2c-9236-55530ab8981d" | string |
kvTargeting | optional | Key/Value - a pair of the unique values that will be used for the custom targeting option. | {key1: value2, key2: value2} | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | Site ID | 1465446377 | integer |
zoneId | required | Zone ID | 1515999290 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
supplyPartnerId | required | ID of the supply partner you created in the Gamoshi dashboard. | '12345' | string |
rtbEndpoint | optional | If you have a whitelabel account on Gamoshi, specify it here. | '' | string |
Title Missing
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID from Goldbach. You may identify a placement using the invCode and member instead of a placement ID. The placementID parameter can be either a string or integer for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. Legacy code can retain the string value. Prebid Server requires an integer value. | 234234 | integer |
member | optional | The member ID from Goldbach. Must be used with invCode . | '12345' | string |
invCode | optional | The inventory code from Goldbach. Must be used with member . | 'abc123' | string |
publisherId | optional | The publisher ID from Goldbach. It is used by the Goldbach end point to identify the publisher when placementId is not provided and invCode goes wrong. The publisherId parameter can be either a string or integer for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. | 12345 | integer |
frameworks | optional | Array of integers listing API frameworks for Banner supported by the publisher. | integer | |
user | optional | Object that specifies information about an external user. See User Object for details. | user: { age: 25, gender: 0, dnt: true} | object |
allowSmallerSizes | optional | If true , ads smaller than the values in your ad unit's sizes array will be allowed to serve. Defaults to false . | true | boolean |
usePaymentRule (PBJS) or use_pmt_rule (PBS) | optional | If true , Xandr will return net price to Prebid.js after publisher payment rules have been applied. | true | boolean |
keywords | optional | A set of key-value pairs applied to all ad slots on the page. Mapped to buy-side segment targeting (login required). Values can be empty. See Passing Keys Without Values below for examples. Note that to use keyword with the Prebid Server adapter, that feature must be enabled for your account by an Goldbach account manager. | keywords: { genre: ['rock', 'pop'] } | object |
video | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | video: { playback_method: ['auto_play_sound_off'] } | object |
app | optional | Object containing mobile app parameters. See the App Object for details. | app : { id: 'app-id'} | object |
reserve | optional | Sets a floor price for the bid that is returned. If floors have been configured in the Goldbach Console, those settings will override what is configured here unless 'Reserve Price Override' is checked. See Xandr docs | 0.90 | float |
position | optional | Identify the placement as above or below the fold. Allowed values: Unknown: unknown ; Above the fold: above ; Below the fold: below | 'above' | string |
trafficSourceCode | optional | Specifies the third-party source of this impression. | 'my_traffic_source' | string |
supplyType | optional | Indicates the type of supply for this placement. Possible values are web , mobile_web , mobile_app | 'web' | string |
supplyType | optional | Indicates the type of supply for this placement. Possible values are web , mobile_web , mobile_app | 'web' | string |
pubClick | optional | Specifies a publisher-supplied URL for third-party click tracking. This is just a placeholder into which the publisher can insert their own click tracker. This parameter should be used for an unencoded tracker. This parameter is expected to be the last parameter in the URL. Please note that the click tracker placed in this parameter will only fire if the creative winning the auction is using Goldbach click tracking properly. | '' | string |
extInvCode | optional | Specifies predefined value passed on the query string that can be used in reporting. The value must be entered into the system before it is logged. | '10039' | string |
externalImpId | optional | Specifies the unique identifier of an externally generated auction. | 'bacbab02626452b097f6030b3c89ac05' | string |
generate_ad_pod_id | optional | Signal to Goldbach to split impressions by ad pod and add unique ad pod id to each request. Specific to long form video endpoint only. Supported by Prebid Server, not Prebid JS. | true | boolean |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
uid | required | Represents the MediaGrid bidder system Ad Slot ID associated with the respective div id from the site page. | 1 | integer |
bidFloor | optional | Floor of the impression opportunity. If present in the request overrides XML info. | 0.8 | float |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherid | required | Publisher Id | '2001000399' | string |
signkey | required | Sign Key | '5d********82c38594f8b2bdfd9f********a398dca734932898e3********8d' | string |
keyid | required | Key Id | '2' | string |
slotid | required | Slot Id | 'u42ohmaufh' | string |
adtype | required | Ad Type | 'native' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | Ad network's RTB host | '' | string |
adUnitId | required | Ad Unit Id will be generated on iionads Platform. | 42 | integer |
adUnitType | required | Type of Ad Unit ('video' , 'banner' ) | 'banner' | string |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | '12345' | string |
custom1 | optional | Custom targeting field 1 | 'custom1' | string |
custom2 | optional | Custom targeting field 2 | 'custom2' | string |
custom3 | optional | Custom targeting field 3 | 'custom3' | string |
custom4 | optional | Custom targeting field 4 | 'custom4' | string |
custom5 | optional | Custom targeting field 5 | 'custom5' | string |
iMedia Digital Services (iMDS)
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
seatId | required | The seat ID from iMedia Digital Services. This will be the same for all ad units. | 'prebid' | string |
tagId | required | The placement ID or tag ID from iMedia Digital Services. | 'demo1' | string |
placementId | optional | Legacy parameter replaced by tagId | 'demo1' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Legacy parameter for floor price for the request. Replaced by Price Floors Module. | 0.1 | float |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
appId | required | Impactify publisher id (Contact us) | '' | string |
format | required | Impactify ad format (screen or display) | 'screen' | string |
style | required | Impactify ad style (inline, impact or static) | 'impact' | string |
Improve Digital
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID from Improve Digital. | 1234567 | integer |
publisherId | required | The publisher ID from Improve Digital. | 4567 | integer |
keyValues | optional | Contains one or more key-value pairings for key-value targeting | { testKey1: ['testValueA'], testKey2: ['testValueB', 'testValueC'] } | object |
bidFloor | optional | Bid floor price | 0.01 | float |
bidFloorCur | optional | Bid floor price currency. Supported values: USD (default), EUR, GBP, AUD, DKK, SEK, CZK, CHF, NOK | 'USD' | string |
extend | optional | See the Extend mode section | true | boolean |
rendererConfig | optional | Configuration object for JS renderer of the RAZR creatives. Provided by Improve Digital. | { key1: value1 } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | '11111' | string |
placementId | optional | Placement ID | '11111' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
plc | required | Placement ID | '1234' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
partnerId | required | Partner id | 'abc123' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pageId | required | Page ID | 123456 | Integer |
impId | required | Block ID | 12 | Integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The Invibes placement ID | '1234567' | string |
domainId | optional | Id of domain | 1001 | integer |
customEndpoint | optional | Custom test domain | | integer |
debug | optional | Debug paramentes (only prebid server) | { "testBvid": "1234", "testLog": true } | object |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Index Exchange
You must include these parameters at the bidder level.
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
siteID | Requred | String | An Index-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '9999990', '9999991', '9999992'` |
You must include these parameters at the bidder level
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
siteID | Requred | String | An Index-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '9999990', '9999991', '9999992'` |
If you are using Index’s outstream ad unit and have placed the video object at the bidder level, you must include the Index required parameters at the bidder level. You can include the optional parameters to specify the outstream ad unit configurations.
Key | Scope | Type | Description |
video.w | Requred | Integer | The width of the video player in pixels that will be passed to demand partners. You must define the size of the video player using the video.w and video.h parameters. We strongly recommend video sizes to be 256 x 256 or greater, 300 x 250, or 320 x 180. |
video.h | Required | Integer | The height of the video player in pixels that will be passed to demand partners. You must define the size of the video player using the video.w and video.h parameters. We strongly recommend video sizes to be 256 x 256 or greater, 300 x 250, or 320 x 180. |
video.playerSize | Required | Integer | The video player size that will be passed to demand partners. |
video.playerConfig | Optional | Hash | The Index-specific outstream ad unit configurations. |
video.playerConfig.floatOnScroll | Optional | Boolean | A boolean specifying whether you want to use the player’s floating capabilities, where: - true: Use the Index player’s float capabilities. Note: If you set floatOnScroll to true, Index updates the placement value to 5. Note: We do not recommend using the player’s default float capabilities if you have more than one outstream ad unit per page. -false: Do not use the Index player’s float capabilities (default). |
video.playerConfig.floatSize | Optional | Integer | The height and width of the floating player in pixels. If you do not specify a float size, the player adjusts to the aspect ratio of the player size that is defined when it is not floating. Index recommends that you review and test the float size to your user experience preference. |
video.plcmt | Required | Integer | The video’s placement type, where: - 1 = Instream - 2 = Accompanying Content - 3 = Interstitial - 4 = No Content/Standalone |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from janet. | 529814 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
unit | required | The unit from jixie | '1000012-VyuoGmDQQQ' | string |
accountid | optional | The accountid from jixie | '12345678901234567890' | string |
jxprop1 | optional | special property #1 | 'somethingspecial1' | string |
jxprop2 | optional | special property #2 | 'somethingspecial2' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placementId of the ad slot. | '_jWuc8Hks' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
access_token | required | Kidoz access_token | '123abc' | string |
publisher_id | required | Kidoz publisher_id | '44444' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | 'string' |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | 'string' |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
key | required | Unique client id on krushmedia platform | 0 | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneid | required | The AdUnit or Tag specific ID | '5fbb948f1e22b' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
slot | required | Ad Slot | 'slot166704' | string |
adkey | required | Ad Key | '78c' | string |
ad_size | required | Ad Size | '160x600' | string |
Limelight Digital
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
host | required | Ad network's RTB host | '' | string |
adUnitId | required | Ad Unit Id will be generated on Limelight Digital Platform. | 42 | integer |
adUnitType | required | Type of Ad Unit ('video' , 'banner' ) | 'banner' | string |
publisherId | required | Publisher ID | '12345' | string |
custom1 | optional | Custom targeting field 1 | 'custom1' | string |
custom2 | optional | Custom targeting field 2 | 'custom2' | string |
custom3 | optional | Custom targeting field 3 | 'custom3' | string |
custom4 | optional | Custom targeting field 4 | 'custom4' | string |
custom5 | optional | Custom targeting field 5 | 'custom5' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adUnitId | required | The ad unit ID from LockerDome | 'LD10809467961050726' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Placement Id will be generated on Logan Platform. | '0' | string |
Logicad for Publishers
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tid | required | Logicad for Publishers placement ID | 'PJ2P' | string |
page | optional | Url of the webpage where the request is originating from | 'url' | string |
cur | optional | Currency of request and response (Default: JPY ) | 'JPY' | string |
test | optional | Indicates bidding for testing purposes | true | boolean |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneId | required | The zone ID from Mars Media Group. | 9999 | integer |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
cid | required | The customer id provided by | '8CUX0H51C' | string |
crid | required | The placement id provided by | '1234567' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Bidfloor for the impression | 1.0 | float |
video | required for video Ad units | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | video: { maxduration: 60 } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
accountId | required | The account ID from Mgid | '123' | string |
placementId | optional | The placement ID from Mgid | '123456' | string |
bidFloor | optional | Lowest value of expected bid price | 1.1 | float |
currency | optional | Currency of request and response | 'GBP' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | 'string' |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | 'string' |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement_id | required | An ID which identifies this specific inventory placement | 1111 | integer |
pub_id | required | An ID which identifies the publisher selling the inventory | 2222 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | placement id | 'a7402708185f6a0c00700fd21c4260d2' | string |
accountId | required | account id | 'motorikTest' | string |
| Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
| placement_id
| required | Placement ID, provided by nextMillennium | '12345'
| String |
| group_id
| optional | Group ID, provided by nextMillennium | '12345'
| String |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pubid | required | An id used to identify NinthDecimal publisher | 'abcd1234' | string |
placement | optional | A placement created on adserver. | '1111' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | siteId is provided by your NoBid account manager(s) | integer | |
placementId | optional | placementId is provided by your NoBid account manager(s). This parameter allows to report on a specific ad unit | integer | |
video | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. Note that this parameter is not used in Prebid Server. See Video Object for details. | video: { playback_method: ['auto_play_sound_off'] } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pubId | required | The publisher's ID provided by OneTag | '386276e072' | string |
ext | optional | A set of custom key-value pairs | { customKey: customValue } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from OpenWeb. | 650342 | integer |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Opt Out Advertising
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisher | required | Opt Out publisher ID | 8 | string |
adslot | required | Opt Out Adslot | prebid_demo | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
accountId | required | Orbidder Account ID | "someAccount" | string |
placementId | required | Placement Id | "somePlacement" | string |
bidfloor | optional | Placement floor price | 1.23 | float |
keyValues | optional | Custom key/value object | { "key": "value" } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
---|---|---|---|---| | required | The publisher account ID | '2706' | string | | optional | The publisher name | 'Publisher Name' | string |
publisher.domain | optional | The publisher domain | '' | string |
tagid | optional | Identifier for specific ad placement or ad tag | 'tag-id' | string |
bcat | optional | (Deprecated) | ['IAB1-1'] | string array |
badv | optional | (Deprecated) | [''] | string array |
Outbrain - Old
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
---|---|---|---|---| | required | The publisher account ID | '2706' | string | | optional | The publisher name | 'Publisher Name' | string |
publisher.domain | optional | The publisher domain | '' | string |
tagid | optional | Identifier for specific ad placement or ad tag | 'tag-id' | string |
bcat | optional | (Deprecated) | ['IAB1-1'] | string array |
badv | optional | (Deprecated) | [''] | string array |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
token | required | access token | 'aaaa123' | string |
appid | optional | app id (must be used in conjunction with placementid) | '5123400' | string |
placementid | optional | placement id (must be used in conjunction with appid) | '912340000' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from PGAM. | 529814 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zone_id | required | The ad zone identifier | 1 | integer |
app_auth_token | required | The app's authentication token | 'aaaabbbbcccc' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
cf | required | Ad size identifier | '300X250' | string |
cp | required | Publisher Id | 12345 | integer |
ct | required | Ad Tag Id | 12345 | integer |
bcat | optional | Blocked IAB Categories | [ 'IAB1-5', 'IAB1-6' ] | array of strings |
battr | optional | Blocked Creative Attributes | [ 1, 2, 5 ] | array of integers |
badv | optional | Blocked Advertisers by their domains | ['', ''] | array of strings |
bidfloor | optional | Bid floor price CPM | 1.23 | float |
video | required | Required for video requests. OpenRTB Video object. | { w: 400, h: 300 } | object |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The ID issued by RhythmOne to the publisher | '34887' | string |
zone | optional | Optional string issued by RhythmOne to the publisher | '1r' | string |
path | optional | Optional string issued by RhythmOne to the publisher | 'mvo' | string |
Rich Audience
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pid | required | The placement ID from Rich Audience. | 'ADb1f40rmi' | string |
supplyType | required | Define if site or app. | 'site / app' | string |
ifa | optional | Identifier For Advertisers | 'AAAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-1111-222222220000234234234234234' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Bid Floor | 0.80 | float |
keywords | optional | A key-value applied only to the configured bid. This value is optional. Strings separated by semicolon. | car=mercedes;car=audi; | string |
player | optional | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | player: {init: 'open', end: 'close', skin: 'dark'} | object |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId | required | Unique publisher ID | 'ABCDEF' | string |
region | required | Assigned region | 'prebid-eu' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Minimal CPM value | 0.01 | float |
channel | optional | Inventory channel identifier, limited to 50 characters | Partner 1 - News | string |
SA Lunamedia
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Seeding Alliance
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adUnitId | required | ID of the Ad Unit | 8ao | string |
url | optional | URL from the Page | example.tld | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pkey | required | The placement key | 'DfFKxpkRGPMS7A9f71CquBgZ' | string |
bcat | optional | (deprecated) Array of blocked IAB Categories | ['IAB1-2', 'IAB1-3'] | string[] |
badv | optional | (deprecated) Array of blocked Advertisers by their domains | ['', ''] | string[] |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneid | required | Placement id | '3011' | string |
host | required | Data center location | 'us' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId | required | Your Smaato publisher id | '1100012345' | string |
adspaceId | required | Your Smaato adspace id. Required for non adpod requests | '11002234' | string |
adbreakId | required | Your Smaato adbreak id. Required for adpod (long-form video) requests | '41002234' | string |
app | optional | Object containing mobile app parameters. See the App Object for details. | app : { ifa: '56700000-9cf0-22bd-b23e-46b96e40003a'} | object |
Smart AdServer
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
networkId | required for Prebid Server | The network identifier you have been provided with. | 1234 | integer |
siteId | required for Prebid.js | The placement site ID | 1234 | integer |
pageId | required | The placement page ID | 1234 | integer |
formatId | required | The placement format ID | 1234 | integer |
domain | optional | The network domain (default see example) | '', '' | string |
target | optional | The keyword targeting | 'sport=tennis' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Bid floor for this placement in USD or in the currency specified by the currency parameter. (Default: 0.0 ) | 0.42 | float |
appName | optional | Mobile application name | 'Smart AdServer Preview' | string |
buId | optional | Mobile application bundle ID | '' | string |
ckId | optional | Unique Smart AdServer user ID | 1234567890123456789 | integer |
video | optional | Parameter object for instream video. See video Object | {} | object |
schain | optional | Supply Chain | '1.0,1!,1234,1,bid-request-1,publisher,' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sourceid | required (for prebid.js) | placement ID | '0' | string |
host | required (for prebid-server) | const value, set to "prebid" | 'prebid' | string |
accountid | required (for prebid-server) | partner ID | '1901' | string |
traffic | optional (for prebid.js) | Configures the mediaType that should be used. Values can be 'banner' , 'native' or 'video' | 'native' | string |
Smile Wanted
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
zoneId | required | The placement zone ID | 'test.com_header_bidding_display_atf' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placement_id | required* | The placement ID | '1a2b3c4d5e6f1a2b3c4d' | string |
ad_unit | required* | The adunit ID | '/1234567/example/adUnit/code' | string |
floor | optional | Bid floor for this placement in USD | 0.50 | float |
sizes | optional | Adunit sizes that will override global sizes | [[300, 250], [300, 600]] | Array<Array> |
hfa | optional | Publisher Unique Identifier | '123985' | string |
referrer | optional | Overrides the default value for the ref param in a bid request | '' | string |
keywords | optional | Comma separated list of keywords about the site | 'sports,news,food' | string |
bid_request_url | optional | String representing the url the Sonobi adapter should make to request bids | '' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagid | required | The sovrn Ad Tag ID | '315045' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Bid floor in dollars | '0.04' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
------------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |
mimes | required | Content MIME types supported | ['video/mp4'] | string array |
minduration | required | Minimum video ad duration in seconds | 5 | integer |
maxduration | required | Maximum video ad duration in seconds | 10 | integer |
protocols | required | The array of supported video protocols | [1, 2] | integer array |
w | recommended | Width of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS) | 5 | integer |
h | recommended | Height of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS) | 5 | integer |
startdelay | recommended | Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements | 5 | integer |
placement | recommended | Placement type for the impression. Refer to List 5.9 | 5 | integer |
linearity | recommended | Indicates if the impression must be linear, nonlinear, etc. Allowed by default | 0 | integer |
skip | optional | Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes | 0 | integer |
skipmin | optional | Only if the ad is skippable. Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable | 5 | integer |
skipafter | optional | Only if the ad is skippable. Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled | 5 | integer |
sequence | optional | For multiple ad in the same bid request. This value allow will for the coordinated delivery of multiple ad | 5 | integer |
battr | optional | Blocked creative attributes | [1] | integer array |
maxextended | optional | Max extended ad duration beyond the maxduration if extension is allowed. Blank or 0 - blocked. -1 - allowed without time limit | 5 | integer |
minbitrate | optional | Minimum bit rate in Kbps | 5 | integer |
maxbitrate | optional | Maximum bit rate in Kbps | 5 | integer |
boxingallowed | optional | Indicates if letter-boxing of 4:3 content into a 16:9 window is allowed, where 0 = no, 1 = yes | 5 | integer |
playbackmethod | optional | Playback methods that may be in use. See Video Playback Methods | [1] | integer array |
playbackend | optional | The event that causes playback to end. Refer to Playback Cessation Modes | 5 | integer |
delivery | optional | Supported delivery methods (1 = streaming, 2 = progressive, 3 = download). If none specified, assume all are supported. | [1, 2] | integer array |
pos | recommended | Ad position on screen. Refer to Ad Position | 5 | integer |
api | recommended | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. Refer to API Frameworks | [1, 2, 3] | integer array |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
id | optional | placement id | '006' | string |
siteId | optional | site id | '235911' | string |
publisherId | optional | publisher id | '728' | string |
domain | optional | site domain | '' | string |
page | optional | page url | '' | string |
tmax | optional | tmax for server connection | 400 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The traffic source ID | 232131 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sid | required | Slot ID | '06b782cc-091b-4f53-9cd2-0291679aa1ac' | string |
SUNT Content
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adUnitId | required | ID of the Ad Unit | 8ao | string |
url | optional | URL from the Page | example.tld | string |
Synacor Media
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tagId | required | Tag ID / Unique Placement Name | 'Below The Article' | String |
publisherId | required | Numeric Publisher ID (as provided by Taboola) | '1234567' | String |
pageType | optional, recommended | Kind of content present in the page | 'homepage' | String |
position | optional, recommended | Identify the placement position on screen. Possible values: 0 - 7 0 Unknown 1 Above The Fold 2 Locked (i.e., fixed position) 3 Below The Fold 4 Header 5 Footer 6 Sidebar 7 Fullscreen | 2 | Integer |
publisherDomain | optional | Publisher Domain (server-side adapter only) | '' | String |
bidfloor | optional | CPM bid floor | 0.25 | Float |
bcat | optional | List of blocked advertiser categories (IAB) | ['IAB1-1'] | Array |
badv | optional | Blocked Advertiser Domains | '' | String Url |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tappxkey | required | An ID which identifies the adunit | 'key1' | string |
endpoint | required | Endpoint provided to publisher | 'endpoint1' | string |
host | required(pbjs) optional(pbserver) | Tappx host | 'host1' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM (USD) | 1.2 | number |
mktag | optional | An ID which identifies a group of adunits | 'key1' | string |
bcid | optional | Block list of CID | ["1234"] | array of strings |
bcrid | optional | Block list of CRID | ["1234"] | array of strings |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Placement ID | '12345' | string |
--------------- | ---------- | -------------- | ------------- | ---------- |
host | required | Host | 'example' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
TripleLift Native
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
inventoryCode | required | TripleLift inventory code for this ad unit (provided to you by your partner manager) | 'code1' | string |
floor | optional | the bid floor, in usd | 1.2 | number |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
uid | required | Represents the TrustX bidder system Ad Slot ID associated with the respective div id from the site page. | 42 | integer |
keywords | optional | A set of key-value pairs applied to all ad slots on the page. Values can be empty. | keywords: { topic: ['stress', 'fear'] } | object |
bidFloor | optional | Floor of the impression opportunity. If present in the request overrides XML info. | 0.8 | float |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adid | required | The ad unit ID retrived from ucfunnel dashboard | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Your placement ID (provided by undertone) | "13as14d0" | string |
publisherId | required | publisher ID (provided by undertone) | 12345 | integer |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId | required | The site ID from Unruly. This will be provided to you by your Unruly account manager, this is prefered | 123456 | integer |
siteid | deprecated | The site ID from Unruly. This will be provided to you by your Unruly account manager, this is backward compability | 123456 | integer |
featureOverrides | optional | This param is a generic object for configuring Unruly outstream demand. To run UNmissable, set ‘canRunUnmissable’ to true. | "featureOverrides": {"canRunUnmissable": true} | object |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pubId | required | Publisher ID | 'vb12345' | string |
placementId | optional | Placement ID | '1234567' | string |
nid | optional | Network ID | '1234' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | VideoHeroes platform placement id | '1a8d9c22db19906cb8a5fd4518d05f62' | string |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Viewdeos Server
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
aid | required | The source ID from member zone | 350975 | integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | optional | Placement Id | '0' | 'string' |
endpointId | optional | Endpoint Id | '0' | 'string' |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
uid | required | The publisher's ad unit ID in VIS.X. The parameter can be either an integer or string for Prebid.js, however integer is preferred. | 903536 | integer |
VRTCAL Markets, Inc.
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
(none) | optional | no params required | '' | n/a |
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Yahoo SSP
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pageId | required | Page ID | 123 | Integer |
impId | required | Block ID | 1 | Integer |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
pubId | required | Publisher ID | 'pub1' | string |
zoneId | required | Zone Id | 'zone1' | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
adslotId | required | Yieldlab Adslot ID | '12345' | string |
supplyId | required | Yieldlab Supply ID. Please reach out to your account management for more information. | '12345' | string |
targeting | optional | Key-Value Targeting | { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' } | object |
extId | optional | External Id | 'abc' | string |
iabContent | optional | Object of content information, see IAB Content Object for details. It will override the content object passed in First Party Data | { 'id': 'foo', 'title': 'bar' } | object |
customParams | optional | Custom parameters to append to the query string of the bidding endpoint. | { 'param': 'value1', 'param2': 'value2' } | object |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | Yieldmo placement id | '825209316101005155' | string |
bidFloor | optional | Bid Floor | 0.1 | float |
lr_env | optional | Live Ramp ATS envelope | e3b0c44298fc1c149a | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
placementId | required | The placement ID | "36891" | string |
playerSize | optional | Video Resolution Size (This field is mandatory if is [1, 1]) | [640, 360] | array of number |
playerParams | optional | Video Player Params (see below) | {} | object |
playerParams.wrapperWidth | optional | Video Player Width | "320px" | string |
playerParams.wrapperHeight | optional | Video Player Height | "180px" | string |
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
sourceId | required | Website Source Id | 111 | integer |
host | required | Network Host to request from | 'host1' | string |
Zeta Global SSP
For these parameters, please reach out to your Solutions Architect or refer to
Updated 5 months ago