VAST Ad Code
To serve VAST ads, please contact your account manager.
At this time, you must generate VAST ad code yourself. VAST ad tags are in the format of a URL that will be called by a video player.
Generating the Request Object
To construct the code, you must generate a JSON request object that contains one or more placements.
Key | Required? | Description |
p | yes | Array of one or more Placement objects (see below) |
ukey | no | A UserDB user key |
ip | no | An IP address (overrides the remote IP of the request) |
ref | no | A referrer URL (overrides the Referer header of the request) |
url | no | The URL to use as the current page URL when selecting an ad |
t | no | The UNIX epoch timestamp to use when selecting an ad |
kw | no | Keywords for the request |
nt | no | Do Not Track. If set to 1, DNT is enabled |
b | no | A list of blocked items |
bf | no | Bot Filtering. If set to 1, bot filtering is enabled |
Property | Required? | Decision |
t | yes | An adType ID, or an array of adType IDs |
n | yes | The numeric network id to use when selecting an ad |
s | yes | The numeric site id to use when selecting an ad |
z | no | Zero or more zone ids to use when selecting an ad |
c | no | A numeric campaign id; if specified, only consider ads in that campaign |
f | no | A numeric flight id; if specified, only consider ads in that flight |
a | no | A numeric ad (flight-creative map) id; if specified, only serve that ad if possible |
u | no | A URL that should be used as the click-through target for the ad |
p | no | A hash of key/value pairs used for Custom Targeting |
ck | no | A hash of key/value pairs used with ContentDB |
An example of a constructed request object with one placement:
Generating the VAST URL
Once you have a request object, you can generate the URL by urlencoding the request object and passing it to the VAST endpoint http://e-<networkId>
using the querystring ?r=
For example,
Is urlencoded as:
The URL of the ad code becomes:
Updated 10 months ago