Forecast availability widget
Forecast for availability at the click of a button in the Flights booking page
Campaign forecast for Availability
Kevel Forecast is available within the Kevel Campaign booking process, in the Flights booking page. For Forecast-enabled customers, a "Forecast" button is visible next to the "Save" button:

Once Forecast is clicked, a side widget shows up and provides the following information for Impressions, Clicks, Percentage (of traffic) and Reach (Unique Users):
- Goal: The number set as the Goal for the flight.
- Available: Number of times an ad for this flight is predicted to be selected for ad opportunities that would otherwise deliver to ads in a lower priority, considering all its settings except its goals, including targeting and caps (daily and frequency).
- Available without caps: Opportunities that could deliver but are restricted by capping at either/or flight and user frequency. All deliveries restricted by the following settings will be added to this metric:
- Flight Distribution Rules (DuplicateModes/NoDuplicate)
- Advertiser placement limits
- Ad Caps
- Frequency Caps
- Competing: Booked ads serving at the same or higher priority.
- Matched: Total inventory that matches the targeting rules, ignoring all of this flight's caps (daily and frequency) and goals.

Availability Forecast UI Widget results
In the example above, just under 6M impressions are free at the flight's priority level, to serve for it. An additional 8.1M could also serve if all daily and user frequency caps were removed. 566k are predicted to serve to campaigns at the same and higher priorities and in total 14.6M match the flight's targeting rules (14.6M = 5.88M+8.17M+0.56M).
For click or impression goals, the widget will first show those dimensions instead:

Availability Forecast UI Widget showing forecasted Clicks

Availability Forecast UI Widget showing forecasted Percentages
All types of campaigns will show all dimensions, the goal type determines which one is expanded by default:

Complete Availability Forecast UI Widget showing all forecasted dimensions
You can make flight targeting changes and re-forecast at any time, without having to save the changes. A Forecast request in this context typically takes just a few seconds to run.
Daily breakdown
The Flight availability now also provides a forecast by day, allowing you to see how availability trends during the flight duration:

Daily breakdown component of the Forecast UI Widget
Updated 4 days ago