Ad Pacing (Goals)
Ad pacing - or goals - refers to the automatic balancing of impressions for a Flight or Ad so that the campaign hits a desired metric over the course of its lifetime.
For instance, if you've negotiated a 30M impression deal with an advertiser over the month of June, Kevel's Ad Decision Engine will show the ad for 30M impressions over 30 days and throttle the campaign so that it shows the ads evenly each day, or ~1M impressions a day.
This is an automated, constantly-updating feature that helps ensure your advertisers hit their goals.
Kevel's pacing algorithm will attempt to deliver 100% of goal over the desired time period. The actual goal achieved can vary by +-5%, due to varying amounts of request traffic . Also, please bear in mind that very small goals, eg, $10 Revenue or 100 clicks can exceed goal by a large percentage during high traffic scenarios.
Ad Goals are different from Ad Caps. You use Ad Goals to pace ads evenly over time. It involves complex logic and intra-day adjustments. Ad Caps, on the other hand, don't use logic. They'll just turn off an ad if it hits the cap.
What You Can Pace Against
You set Goals at the Flight level. For more information on how to set them, click here.
For Goal Type, you can choose between Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, Percentage, Revenue, and Daily Revenue.
Flights set to auction bidding can also pace by Daily Revenue and Lifetime Revenue.
Auto-balancing is the process of dynamically reallocating a flight's goal among the ads within a flight. Ads in a flight will use the overall flight goal to determine whether or not they should continue serving. For example, given a flight with 3 ads and an impression goal of 1000 impressions, all 3 ads have an opportunity to serve throughout the lifetime of the flight. If for example 2 out of the 3 ads included additional targeting that limited their eligibility for selection, the 3rd ad without additional ad level targeting could pick up the slack to avoid potential under delivery that would occur due to the additional eligibility restrictions caused by ad level targets.
By default, every new ad you create in a flight uses auto-balancing. You can also change the ad distribution settings.
Auto-balance is only applicable if utilizing legacy ad weights. Reach out to the Kevel Customer Success team for more details about your network's pacing setup.
Percentage Goal Behavior
Percentage goals allow you to directly set the weight of the ads in a flight. The weight in a lottery priority is "how many lottery balls" in the lottery a given ad has. The more lottery balls the ad has, the more likely it will be served in a decision. Each lottery priority contains its own set of lottery balls.
Other goal types like Impressions, Clicks, Daily Revenue, etc. use adjustments in the engine to set and reset the weight of ads. These adjustments happen behind the scenes to keep the ads on target to meet their performance goals (like a certain amount of clicks) by their end date.
Percentage goals use no such adjustments. The percentage goal directly translates to the weight of the ad. This is useful if you have no performance targets, if you want to regulate the pacing of flights manually, or if you want an even distribution of flights in the lottery priority.
For example:
- Setting three flights in a priority with a goal of Percentage:100 will give these flights an equal number of lottery balls in the lottery.
- Setting a single flight in a priority with a goal of Percentage:50 will give the flight 50% of the lottery balls it needs to be eligible for every decision. This means that in 50% of lotteries the decision will fall through to the next priority.
- Setting two flights in a priority with Percentage:100 and one flight with Percentage:200 will cause the latter flight to serve twice as often as the former flights since it has double the weight (lottery balls). This translates to the latter flight eligible for 50% of decisions in the priority and the former two eligible for 25% each.
Bear in mind that targeting, capping, etc. influence selections in a lottery priority beyond percentage goals. Therefore, percentage goals will not necessarily translate into the percentage of flights served in a priority.
Percentage goals behave somewhat differently depending on priority type:
Priority Type | Percentage Goal Behavior |
Lottery | The goal translates directly to weight (number of lottery balls) |
Auction | The goal is the probability the ad will bid in the auction |
Revenue Goals
Revenue goals are a goal type that balances the impressions a flight or ad serves so that it earns a specific amount of revenue either by its End Date (lifetime) or per day.
There are two types of revenue goals:
Lifetime Revenue goals: Sets the amount of revenue a flight or ad should earn before its End Date. (Note that an End Date is required to use lifetime goals.)
Daily Revenue goals: Sets the amount of revenue a flight or ad should earn per one day in the time zone of the flight (or UTC if no time zone is set). A daily budget goal resets at midnight.
When To Use Revenue Goals vs. Daily Revenue
If your flight has a fixed budget over a fixed period, we recommend using a Revenue Goal with an End Date. (You can additionally limit how much revenue that flight should generate per day by applying a daily Budget Cap.)
You should use a Daily Revenue goal if your flight needs to serve indefinitely and you expect it to generate roughly the same amount of revenue per day. We recommend using the Daily Revenue goal type without an End Date. If you need to limit the total budget of the flight, we recommend applying a lifetime Budget Cap instead.
Condition | Recommended Goal |
Fixed budget | Revenue |
Fixed time period (has an End Date) | Revenue |
No fixed time period | Daily Revenue |
No fixed budget | Daily Revenue |
How Daily Revenue Goals Work
Unlike other goal types, Daily Revenue goals are day-based - instead of balancing ads in order to achieve a lifetime goal, we balance them to achieve a daily goal. We do this by calculating the total revenue the daily goal will generate per calendar month and then pacing the ad to hit the daily goal on each day of that month.
Months are used because End Dates are optional, Daily Revenue goals use months to prevent daily over-serving or under-serving. Months have varying numbers of days, so not every month's total revenue will be the same.
The Daily Revenue goal amount is calculated by determining the accrued revenue to date and adding this to the days remaining in the month multiplied by the current daily revenue goal.
(the accrued revenue to date) + (days remaining in the month * current daily revenue goal)
Daily Budget Caps do not work properly with Daily Revenue Goals because the flight is already effectively capped per day. Instead, consider using a Revenue Goal with Daily Budget Caps if you need a hard cutoff of revenue per day.
Setting Up Budget Goals - API
On the Flight Level
When Creating a Flight with the Create Flight endpoint, make sure to:
- Set
to 8 or 9.8 = Lifetime Revenue
and9 = Daily Revenue
- Set
to the target budget
While the field is referred to
, this is the correct field to use for any budget goal amounts.
On the Ad Level
When Creating/Editing an Ad with the Create Ads endpoint, make sure to:
- Set
to 8 or 9.8 = Lifetime Revenue
and9 = Daily Revenue
- Set
to the target budget
Setting Up Budget Goals - UI
On the Flight Level:
- Create a new Flight
- In the Goal Type dropdown, choose either "Revenue" or "Daily Revenue"
- In the Goal field, enter the budget goal (in dollars)
- Save
On the Ad Level:
- Add a New Creative/Ad
- In the Distribution dropdown under "Delivery Settings", select "Override"
- In the Goal Type dropdown, choose either "Revenue" or "Daily Revenue"
- In the Goal field, enter the budget goal (in dollars)
- Save
Budget Goal Behavior Explained In-Depth
This is a detailed description of how budget goal weights are calculated in Kevel. As a deep dive into the ad selection process, this page is useful for understanding the design of budget goals and for troubleshooting delivery issues at an advanced level.
Budget goals add capabilities to the ad server engines to support optimal
allocation of inventory in auction priorities. Optimal allocation includes the
- Ads can have goals — inventory is allocated to the ad over time
time between its start and end dates such that revenue is generated as
smoothly and evenly as possible with the ad reaching its goal amount just as
it reaches its end date. - When supply exceeds demand, all demand is filled — ads will not
compete for impressions (and consequently will be priced at the floor price)
when there are more than enough impressions available to fill the demand. - Competition between ads in auctions ramps up smoothly when demand exceeds
supply — competition only occurs when multiple ads want the same
impression at the same time to meet their goal. This generally means that
the pacing needs of the ads will determine how often they compete against
each other in auctions.
Balancing and Pacing
Goals provide a mechanism by which the rate at which ads serve is continually
regulated and adjusted in order to achieve some set number of impressions,
clicks, conversions, or ad spend over the lifetime of the ad. The optimal
rate is such that the ad serves as evenly as possible over time, taking into
account variations in inventory, CTR, effective CPM, and other considerations.
Two concepts work together to regulate the rate at which an ad will serve:
- pacing — Engines employ probabilistic methods to regulate the rate
at which ads will serve relative to each other within the constraints of the
targeting rules and available inventory. The system is designed such that
each ad is associated with a weighting parameter and the probability that an
ad will serve for any individual request is proportional to its weight. - balancing — Both real-time and historical performance of ads is
continuously monitored. This information is used to adjust the ad weightings
while the ads are serving so they maintain the optimal rates to achieve their
Note that pacing is essentially a rate-limiting function. Since engines can not
serve more impressions than the available inventory allows, the only way it can
regulate the pace is by limiting how fast ads serve. Dynamic behavior is the
result of feedback in the balancing/pacing loop.
For example:
- Consider a priority with three ads, A, B, and C.
- Suppose A starts to fall behind — it needs to serve impressions faster
to achieve its goal. - The balancer is monitoring A's (and all the other ads) performance, and it
decides to increase A's weighting so it can serve at a faster rate to catch
up. - The engines need to allocate inventory to A, B, and C, in ratios
proportional to their weights. Since A's weight was bumped up it will serve
faster (and B and C will serve more slowly). - After a while one of two things usually happens: either A begins to overshoot
its goal or one (or both) of the other ads will begin to fall behind. In the
first case A's weight is reduced and in the second case the other ad's weight
is increased. - This, in turn, causes A to serve more slowly, and the cycle repeats.
Lotteries are an important part of the probabilistic model the engines use to
set the rate at which ads serve. In combination with the balancing weights they
are an effective tool for portioning out available inventory to multiple ads in
a priority such that each ad gets a fair proportion of the available impressions.
The simplest case is the "Lottery Priority", where each ad in the priority gets
some percentage of the total available inventory, proportional to its weight.
In this type of lottery only a single ad "wins"; ads do not compete in auctions
against each other.
The lottery priority is conceptually simple: each ad is assigned a number of
lottery balls, according to its weighting. When all ads have been assigned the
correct number of balls the balls are thrown into a sack, and a random ball is
selected. Whichever ad was assigned that ball wins the lottery.
A: weight = 3
B: weight = 4
C: weight = 5
Total number of balls: 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| A | A | A | B | B | B | B | C | C | C | C | C |
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 8). C is the winner!
It is easy to see that the probability that a given ad will serve is proportional
to its weight, and since the winner is chosen randomly all ads in the lottery
will get their share of inventory over time.
However, the above example is slightly misleading, because it would imply that
a lottery priority will always select a winner, which would be problematic in
situations where inventory exceeds demand — ads would overshoot their
goals. To address this issue there is a maximum or reference weighting against
which individual ad weightings are scaled.
So in the situation where supply is greater than demand:
A: weight = 1
B: weight = 2
C: weight = 3
Max Wt. = total number of balls = 12
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| A | B | B | C | C | C | | | | | | |
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 8). There is no winner!
And, conversely, when demand is greater than supply:
A: weight = 4
B: weight = 8
C: weight = 12
Max Wt. = total number of balls = 12
Scaling factor = number of balls / sum of weights = 12 / 24 = 1/2
A: scaled weight = 4 / 2 = 2
B: scaled weight = 8 / 2 = 4
C: scaled weight = 12 / 2 = 6
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| A | A | B | B | B | B | C | C | C | C | C | C |
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 8). C is the winner!
This scaling behavior suggests an interpretation of the ad weightings: weights
are between zero and max weight, andweight / max weight
is the proportional
to the probability that the ad will serve for a given impression.In the previous example A's weight of 4 implies that it wants 1/3 of all
available inventory, B's weight of 8 corresponds to 2/3, and C's weight
of 12 corresponds to all available inventory. Since there is a maximum of
100% to distribute among the three ads in the priority we scale them down
proportionally, so they each get their fair share of the limited number of
available impressions.
Paced and Balanced Auctions
In the example above only a single ad may win a given lottery drawing, even if
demand exceeds supply. Paced auctions require multiple ads to compete for
inventory in this case, but still retain the ability to accurately pace ads so
they achieve their goals optimally.
This is accomplished by adding a modified lottery drawing before the auction
takes place. The objective of this pre-auction lottery is to select the ads
that will be allowed to bid in the auction. Then the auction determines which
ad wins the impression.
The concepts of weighting and max weight are carried over to this new type
of lottery, but when demand is greater than the available inventory the weights
are not scaled down as they were in the above example. Instead, a series of
lotteries are conducted, with a possible winner for each one. The rules of the
lottery are designed such that there is at least one winner across all of the
lotteries whenever demand meets or exceeds supply.
Since the mechanics of the modified lottery are the same as the simple lottery
when supply meets or exceeds demand, consider the last example above, where the
demand is 2x supply (that is to say, the ads require twice as many impressions
per second to reach their pacing goals than are currently available in their
A: weight = 4
B: weight = 8
C: weight = 12
First, the ads are shuffled to obtain a random ordering, say B, C, A, and
each ad is assigned lottery balls according to its weight. So A gets 4 balls,
B gets 8, and so on. The first lottery is constructed by loading balls from
each ad into available slots in order, and a winner is selected:
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | C | C | C | C | All of C's balls
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ don't fit!
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 3). B is the winner!
So B won the first lottery, and C lost. But C only got to play 4 of the
12 balls it was assigned! In this case we allow C to play its remaining balls
in the next lottery.
However, allowing C to play in two lotteries changes the odds. It turns out
that splitting C's balls between two lotteries yields a slightly lower
probability that C will win a lottery than if it were able to play all of
its balls in a single lottery. To correct this we add an adjustment — the
number of balls C can play in the next lottery is prorated such that the
total probability is preserved.
The prorated probability for the second lottery is given by:
y = (p - x) / (1 - x)
where y is the prorated probability, x was the probability of winning the
first lottery, and p is the original probability corresponding to the ad's
A second lottery is now constructed, with C's remaining balls (plus the adjustment
which works out to 4 extra balls, for a total of 12), and as many of A's balls
as there are available slots:
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | No slots left for A!
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 9). C is the winner!
So C won this lottery, but again, A didn't get to play, so a third
lottery is constructed. In this lottery A plays its 4 balls:
Lottery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| A | A | A | A | | | | | | | | |
X = a random number between 1 and 12 (say 5). There is no winner!
Now there are no more balls to play, so the lottery series is complete. The
winners, B and C, move on to the auction phase, where they must bid against
each other to win the impression, and the winner will pay the second-price
What to Expect
First of all, keep in mind that balancing is a continuous process, so ad
weights will be updating frequently to ensure that ads continue to serve at
their optimal rates through the ebb and flow of inventory and demand levels.
To get a feel for how paced and balanced auctions will behave, consider the
range of possible outcomes in the previous example. In the example, B and C
were ultimately chosen, but it could have been A and C, or A, B, and C
if the lotteries had gone a different way.
- Why is C a winner in every outcome? C always makes it through the
lottery selection process because it has the maximum weight; it wants every
available impression. Thus, it is sure to win one of the lotteries in the
series, and consequently always places a bid in every auction. - How likely is it for C to bid against A, and/or B? Since A's
weight is 4, we expect it to win one lottery in the series about 4/12, or 33%
of the time. Likewise, since B's weight is 8, we expect it to win a lottery
about 8/12 or 66% of the time. Whenever A and/or B can win one of the
lotteries in the series they may place a bid in the auction. - Why does C sometimes bid against A, sometimes against B and sometimes
both A and B? It works out this way because both A and B want some
inventory, and since C wants it all they must bid against C in the auction
to get their share. You can expect auctions with two ads to occur more often
than auctions with all three ads. - What range of effective CPM do we expect? The different ads in the auctions
determine the eCPM of the winner if the priority uses second-pricing rules. So
if C bids $1.00 CPM, B bids $0.75, and A bids $0.50, for example, C
might end up with an effective CPM in the neighborhood of $0.68 or so, because
it will win every auction at either $0.76 or $0.51 CPM, depending on whether
it's bidding against A or B.
Updated about 2 months ago