Beta product
This product is currently in beta. It may not be available to all Kevel customers, and features described may change before the product is generally available.
This is publisher-facing documentation
Because every Kevel Self-serve instance is uniquely customized to the publisher's branding and use case, exact Self-serve functionality will vary from publisher to publisher.
For this reason, Kevel does not provide advertiser-facing documentation for your advertisers to use. However, these pages can be used as a starting point for providing your own educational materials for your advertisers.
Campaign performance report
The Reports page shows your campaigns at a quick glance, with performance data for the date range selected.
Campaigns only appear in this list if there is performance data for the selected time period.
Click Export to export this information as a CSV.
Click any campaign name to see more information about that campaign.
Category reports
Depending on the publisher's settings, you may be able to view a report broken down by category.
Frequently asked questions
What is the delay between ad server events and metrics appearing here?
Data on this page can lag up to a few hours. Many factors determine the lag within the reporting systems, including but not limited to ad server traffic volume. Please see your contract for SLAs related to reporting services.
What is the limit to the date ranges that can be queried?
Some publishers establish an earliest query date for date ranges. In this case, you may not be able to query for data before that date.
We recommend performing daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports. Larger reports will experience degraded performance and increased latency.
Why is there a discrepancy between data advertisers see here and the data I see in the Kevel ad server UI as a publisher?
Some parts of the Kevel ad server UI – including tables that list campaigns, flights, and ads – display impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue metrics from Kevel's Real Time Reporting system.
Figures in the Real Time Reporting system are delivered in near-real time and are not post-processed. The data displayed for advertisers here is processed, and aligns with data shown in the ad server reporting UI and the Kevel Reporting API.
Updated about 1 month ago