RTB - Pubmatic (Banner)


Refer to Getting Started with RTB for general instructions on how to set up RTB. This article contains information specific to integrating with PubMatic (Banner).

Creating a PubMatic Advertiser

  1. Click to Add an Advertiser.

  2. Choose "PubMatic (Banner)" as the choice of Partner in the dropdown. If you don't see this as an option, contact your account manager.

  3. Enter the RTB settings under "Settings". These will be given to you either by your account manager or by PubMatic directly:

    • Bidder Endpoint - The PubMatic URL that Kevel sends the bid request to.
    • Publisher ID - Your PubMatic publisher ID.
      * Publisher Name - The name of your account as represented in PubMatic's system.

Creating a PubMatic Campaign and Flight

Create a new campaign and flight under the RTB advertiser as you would for a non-RTB campaign.


In the flight, the Rate Type will be set to "CPM". You cannot set any other Rate Type. "Price" will also be ignored: revenue from the flight will be determined by the bids coming from PubMatic.

All priority types are supported in RTB flights. RTB also supports a new priority: Outbid Lottery. Set this priority to force RTB flights to collectively compete against non-RTB flights.

Creating a PubMatic Ad

Add a new creative in the flight or directly from the advertiser page:

  • Add a creative to the RTB flight for each ad size you intend to serve through that provider.
  • Floor Price is available for RTB creatives but is not required. Note that if you don't input a valid value, we will default to $0.01.
  • Your Site ID and PubMatic Ad ID are required. If you do not know these, please contact your representative at PubMatic.
  • If you have enabled a private marketplace with PubMatic, enter the Deal Id. This is not required.

Requesting PubMatic Banner Ads

You can request PubMatic Banner ads either via the JavaScript ad tags or the Decision API.

If you are calling RTB ads via the Decision API, be sure to include the URL of the site and your IP address in the request. This request shows an example with curl.